Gary Flynn ( KE8FD )
GPS Mapping |
RICHLAND COUNTY SC Cemetery GPS Mapping Project
Paul Kankula ( NN8NN )
Webmaster |
Effective: 09/03/23 18:24 by: PMK |
It's very common for a cemetery to be known by several different names..!
If known, alternate names will be noted somewhere on the county's webpage listing.
Contact Gary Flynn at, if all you know, is your cemetery's general area.
Cemetery names will normally be listed in alphabetical order. Ex: Brown-Jones-Wilson Families
Surnames will normally come before given names. Ex: Brown Family, John
Plantation names were not ordinarily shown on the Census. Using plantation names to locate ancestors can be difficult because the name of a plantation may have been changed through the years and because the sizeable number of large farms must have resulted in lots of duplication of plantation names.
Plantation nicknames names, if known, will normally be listed as aka (also known as).
It's assumed that if a plantation had over 100 enslaved workers, that there would have normally been a separate cemetery for them. Often landowner's family graves might be located nearby, but always kept separate.
Plantation homes were often burned after slave emancipation, because the landowner could no longer afford to pay their land taxes.
Historical home locations can normally be determined by locating their existing foundations.
Columbia Chapter of SC Genealogical Society Cemetery Survey Book Surname Indexes Submitted by: Frances Osburn, Jul-2008
The following Surname Indexes WILL NOT provide you with an Individual's Date-of-Birth/Death. It will only tell you in what Cemetery Survey Book, your Surname can be found in and on what page number.
Book 1 = North Richland County Area, (52) Cemeteries, 7,000+ Inscriptions
Book 2 = Richland County, Dutch Fork Area, (25) Cemeteries, 3,000+ Inscriptions
Book 3 = Richland County, Historic Columbia Area, (13) Cemeteries, 4,500+ Inscriptions
Book 4 = Richland County, Greater Columbia Area, Part 1, (21) Cemeteries, 5,000+ Inscriptions (index not on-line)
Book 5 = Richland County, Greater Columbia Area, Part 2, (21) Cemeteries, 5,900+ Inscriptions (index not on-line)
Book 6 = SE Richland County Area, (61) Cemeteries & Fort Jackson Area, (21) Cemeteries
Book 7 = Richland County, Columbia Area, Elmwood Cemetery, 1854-1939 Interment Records, 2002 (index not on-line)
Book 8 = Richland County, Columbia Area, Elmwood Cemetery, 1940-1970 Interment Records, 2002 (index not on-line)
Book 9 = Richland County, Columbia Area, Elmwood Cemetery, 1970-1990 Interment Records, 2004 (index not on-line)
Book 1 |
Book 2 |
Book 3 |
Book 4 |
Index | A - |
- Z |
Book 5 |
Index |
A - |
- Z |
Book 6 |
Book 7 |
Index | A - | - Z | |||
Book 8 |
Index | A - | - Z | |||
Book 9 |
Index | A - | - Z |
Newberry County Historical Society Cemetery Survey Book Surname Indexes Submitted by:
The following Surname Indexes WILL NOT provide you with an Individual's Date-of-Birth/Death. It will only tell you in what Cemetery Survey Book, your Surname can be found in and on what page number.
Book 1 = Newberry County Cemeteries, vol. 1, 1982, 219 cemeteries in Newberry County, (33) cemeteries in Richland County bordering on Newberry and 31 cemeteries in Lexington County bordering on Newberry, 259 pgs + index.
Book 10 |
Index | A - | - Z |
Miscellaneous Reference Books
Black Churches & Cemeteries (108), by Emily E. Vaughn PROVISIONAL LOCATION OF CEMETERIES, graves and burial grounds in Richland County by Chicora Research #550
Family History Library - Books The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Research Notes:
Richland County was probably named for its "rich land." The county was formed in 1785 as part of the large Camden District. A small part of Richland later went to Kershaw County (1791). The county seat is Columbia, which is also the state capital. In 1786 the state legislature decided to move the capital from Charleston to a more central location. A site was chosen in Richland County, which is in the geographic center of the state, and a new town was laid out. Columbia subsequently became not only the center of government but an important trade and manufacturing center. Cotton from the surrounding plantations was shipped through Columbia and later manufactured into textiles there. Columbia is also known for its educational institutions, particularly the University of South Carolina, which was founded in 1802. General William T. Sherman captured Columbia during the Civil War, and his troops burned the town on February 17, 1865. The U. S. Army returned on more friendly terms in 1917, when Fort Jackson was established. Confederate general, governor, and United States senator Wade Hampton (1818-1902) was a resident of Richland County, and President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) lived in Columbia as a boy. Other prominent residents include artist William Harrison Scarborough (1812-1871), poets Henry Timrod (1829-1867) and James Dickey (1923-1997), civil rights leader Modjeska Monteith Simkins (1899-1992), religious leader Cardinal Joseph Bernardin (1928-1996), and astronaut Charles Bolden. (Submitted by: SC State Library / Mary Morgan, 31-Mar-2008)
(1) & (3) =
Some F-a-G cemetery name submittals only represent a plot (gathering) of family graves -- that's located within another cemetery!
Some F-a-G church name submittals only represent a church's building location -- that doesn't have an adjoining cemetery!
Some posted F-a-G GPS locations are very inaccurate and will rarely ever get corrected by its submitter!
(2) = Text File for miscellaneous information.
(3) = Richland County Find-a-Grave Project
(4) = Survey Book Code # = County # - Survey Book # - Page #
AME = African Methodist Episcopal(N) SMC = Southern Methodist Church UMC = United Methodist Church ME = Methodist Episcopal
Zion AME = Zion African Methodist Episcopal(N) CME = Christian Methodist Episcopal (N) = Negro (S) = Slave (C) = Caucasian (I) = Indian (A) = Asian
Ref # |
Cemetery Name (1) |
GPS Mapping |
Aerial View |
Road Map |
Photos |
Text (2) |
Find a Grave (3) |
Survey Book (4) |
Location |
40-400 | Adams Plantation, H. | Can't locate cemetery | 192 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-401 | Adams Plantation, Mary G. | Can't locate cemetery | 273 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-402 | Adams Plantation, James U. | Can't locate cemetery | 309 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-001 |
Addy-McCartha |
n34 11.569 , w81 14.722 |
F |
end of Aaron Kelly Rd, Irmo |
40-002 |
Alm's Estate Pioneers |
34.03146, -80.97942 DESECRATED |
F |
40-B04-P |
Convenant Rd, baseball field built on top of cemetery, Convenant & Bethel Church Rds. |
40-003 |
Alpine Baptist |
n34 03.882 , w80 54.319 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P003 |
aka Old Country Church
At Percival & Alpine Rds, Columbia |
40-004 |
Amick |
n34 11.710 , w81 13.510 |
F ? |
40-B13-S4-P |
near John Chapman & Freshly Shoals Rds |
40-006 |
Antioch AME Zion Methodist (N) |
n33 55.883 , w80 42.917 |
F |
Antioch AMEZ Ch. Road, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-404 | Antioch Baptist | 34.05258, -81.01148 | F | Columbia | |||||
40-007 |
Apostolic Doctrine Evangelic (N) |
n33 52.254 , w8048.156 |
F |
Dry Branch Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-405 | Ballentine |
34.03146, -80.97942 |
F | Ballentine | |||||
40-008 |
Bardell |
n34 03.317 , w80 45.750 |
F |
aka Burdell
Historical, Colonels Creek Rd, Eastover |
40-009 |
Barhamville |
n34 01.407 , w81 00.651 |
F |
40-B04-P |
aka Edgewood or Harrison
On Hughes St in Columbia |
40-010 |
Bates |
n33 48.365 , w80 39.458 |
F |
40-B06-P |
s of joe collins rd, near tom seay cemeteryEastover |
40-275 |
Beatly-Richardson |
n34 05.688 , w81 09.862 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
Shady Ln & Gillard St, Irmo |
Bellaire Plantation |
Can't locate cemetery |
? | Eastover | ||||||
40-012 |
Belser, J.E. |
n34 00.301 , w80 57.200 |
F |
40-B13-S |
aka opwell
at fort jackson, near Sumter & Beauregard Sts, Columbia |
40-406 | Beth Shalom Arcadia Lakes | n34 03.245 , w80 58.182 | A | M | F | Columbiaarcadia lakes rd, | |||
40-014 |
Bethany-Wages |
Can't locate cemetery |
Off of Screaming Eagle Rd, Ft Jackson |
40-015 |
Bethel Baptist (N) #1 |
n33 51.383 , w80 52.783 |
F ? |
Old Bluff Rd, Blythewood, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-016 |
Bethel Baptist (N) #2 |
n34 12.950 , w80 58.667 |
F ? |
40-B13-S1-P006 |
Boney Rd & McNulty, Blythewood |
40-017 |
Bethel Lutheran |
n34 08.450 , w81 17.133 |
F |
40-B02-P |
US 76 Dutch Fork Rd, Chapin/White Rock |
40-018 |
Bethel UMC Methodist #1 |
n33 51.667 , w80 52.817 |
Old Bluff Rd, Columbia. |
40-019 |
Bethel UMC Methodist #2 |
n34 01.517 , w80 58.233 |
F ? |
40-B04-P |
Willingham Dr & Daniel St, Columbia |
40-020 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church Family Life Center (N) |
n34 03.635 , w81 00.797 |
F |
Eastman Rd, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-021 |
Bethlehem Lutheran |
n34 06.633 , n81 11.467 |
F |
40-B02-P |
Broad River Rd, Irmo |
40-022 |
Beulah Baptist #1 |
n33 55.667 , w80 49.100 |
F |
40-B06-P |
road 40-2561 near New Light Church |
40-023 |
Beulah Baptist #2 |
n34 02.550 , w80 55.983 |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
Boyden Arbor Rd. |
40-024 |
Beulah Baptist #3 |
n33 54.617 , w80 52.400 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Horrell Hill & Cabin Creek, Hopkins |
40-025 |
Beulah UMC Methodist |
n34 12.467 , w81 03.850 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P009 |
US 321 north of Andrew Jackson Rd, Blythewood |
40-026 |
Bickley Family |
n34 09.217 , w81 18.150 |
F |
40-B02-P |
Old Hilton Rd 40-405, Chapin |
40-027 |
Blanks Estate Pioneers |
n34 13.536 , w81 02.234 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P013 |
2 graves, 1842 Muller Rd, Blythewood, 0.2m n of muller rd, 0.4m e of pinegrove rd |
40-028 |
Blease, C L. |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S3-P |
between Semmes Rd & Hartsville Guard, Ft Jackson |
40-029 |
Blythewood Church of God |
n34 11.950 , w80 57.982 |
40-B13-S1-P013 |
Rimer Pond Rd, Blythewood |
40-031 |
Boney |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S1-P |
Boney Rd, Blythewood |
40-032 |
Bookman Church |
n34 08.320 , w81 11.205 |
F |
40-B02-P 40-B13-S4-P |
end of Strawberry Ln, Irmo,sc |
40-407 | Bookman Plantation | n34 08.445 , w81 10.772 | A | M | F | charlie griner rd, w of kennerly rd, Irmo | |||
40-033 |
Boozer, Harold & R.A. |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
east of Westons Pond, near Rt 262, Ft Jackson/Horrell Hill |
40-408 | Bouknight | n34 06.619 , w81 13.865 | A | M | F | 500' n of salem church rd, 1000' w of dreher shoals rd, irmo | |||
40-409 | Bounts, David | n34 12.916 , w81 18.186 | A | M | F | w of jack stoudemeyer rd, n of jesse stoudemeyer rd | |||
40-034 |
Bowen, B.F. |
n34 04.040 , w80 45.170 |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
south of Century Division Rd, Ft Jackson |
40-410 | Bowman |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Columbia | |||||
40-035 |
Boyd, Thomas |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
Sixth Division Rd, Ft Jackson |
40-036 |
Boyd-Hoof-Jones |
n34 12.250 , w81 10.050 |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
aka Thomas Jones
Burdell-Fuller Rd, Little Mountain, Columbia |
40-411 | Boyer-Jones-Olford |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | West of S-40-944 | |||||
40-037 |
Brazell |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S3-P |
Rt 262, southwest of Westons Pond, Ft Jackson |
40-038 |
Brazell |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S1-P014 |
Graves movced to 40-032 Bookman Church, Lykes |
40-412 | Brevard Plantation, Kesiah G. | Can't locate cemetery | 209 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-039 |
Broom, J. |
n34 13.370 , w81 2.817 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P014 |
south of Muller Rd, west of Pine Grove Rd, Blythewood |
40-413 | Brown | 33.82317, -80.72003 | A | M | F | Gadsden | |||
40-040 |
Brown |
n34 12.767 , w80 55.483 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P014 |
no. of Langford Rd,west of Claude Bundick Rd, Pontiac |
40-041 |
Brown's Chapel AME Methodist (N) |
n33 59.417 , w80 52.050 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Old Leesburg Rd, Hopkins, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-042 |
Bouknight #1 |
n34 06.633 , w81 13.850 |
40-B13-S4-P |
aka Bauknight
Salem Church Rd,west of Rt 6, Irmo |
40-043 |
Bouknight #2 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
Bickley Rd & US 76, Irmo |
40-044 |
Bouknight #3 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
near Old Tamah Rd & Old Brickyard Rd, Irmo |
40-390 |
Bounts, David |
n34 12.918 , w81 18.185 |
W of Jack Stoudemeyer Rd, N of Jessie Stoudemeyer Rd |
40-045 |
Busby #1 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
Kennerly Rd & Freshly Mill Rd, Irmo |
40-046 |
Busby #2 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
near Shady Grove Rd & Will Richardson Rd,Irmo |
40-047 |
Busby #3 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
west of Busby #2, near Will Richardson Circle, Irmo |
40-414 | Bynum | 33.92091, -80.69945 | A | M | F |
40-B06-P |
aka Nutshell Plantation 1453 Chain Gang Rd,.Eastover |
40-048 |
Cadia |
n34 03.400 , w80 57.750 |
40-B04-P |
Cadia Dr. |
40-415 | Campbell | 34.02039, -80.70257 | A | M | F | At one time there was a church named Trinity Church at this location which burned, and the cemetery was later called Leesburg Cemetery. Today there is modern marker with the name Campbell. | |||
40-049 |
Capernium Baptist (N) |
n33 59.000 , w80 47.350 |
F |
aka Temple of Yahshua
Toms Creek Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-050 |
Carter |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B06-P |
Bluff Rd, Eastover |
40-051 |
Cedar Creek AME Methodist (N) |
n34 10.817 , w81 07.650 |
F |
40-B01-P |
Monticello Rd. & Cool Springs, Anchor Continental, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-052 |
Cedar Creek UMC Methodist |
n34 11.367 , w81 07.350 |
F |
40-B13-S2-P |
Cedar Creek Rd, Winnsboro |
40-053 |
Chappel |
n33 57.240 , w80 53.800 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Trotter Rd, Hopkins |
40-416 | Chappel Plantation, John J. | 33.95400, -80.89667 | A | M | F | 170 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||
40-417 | Childrens |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Columbia | |||||
40-054 |
Childs (N) |
n33 57.483 , w80 58.550 |
F |
40-B04-P |
east of Beltline Blvd & Shop Rd, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-418 | Chosen Generation Apostolic | n33 56.292 , w80 54.268 | A | M | F | s of air base rd, w of old hopkins rd, Lykes | |||
40-055 |
Church of God |
n34 11.956 , w80 57.981 |
40-B01-P |
Rimer Pond Rd |
40-056 |
Church of God Campsite (N) |
n33 49.359 , w80 39.685 |
F |
9101 bluff rd, Eastover |
40-057 |
Clarkson Mission Church |
n33 55.083 , w80 40.950 |
McCords Ferry Rd, so. Of Lincoln Park Dr, Hopkins |
40-420 | Clarkson Plantation, Wuilliam | Can't locate cemetery | 210 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-421 | Clarkson Plantation, Thomas B. | Can't locate cemetery | 170 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-058 |
Collie Cemetery |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B01-P |
Polo Rd, east of Alpine (s/a Corleys Chapel ??) |
40-059 |
Colonels Creek Baptist |
Can't locate cemetery |
moved to Spears Creek Baptist |
40-060 |
Columbia 1st Baptist |
n34 00.350 , w81 01.967 |
40-B03-P |
Hampton St, Columbia |
40-061 |
Columbia 1st Presbyterian |
n34 00.250 , w81 01.833 |
40-B03-P |
Lady St & Marion St, Columbia |
40-422 | Columbia Memorial Gardens |
Can't locate cemetery |
Columbia | ||||||
40-423 | Columbia Muslim | n34 07.144 , w81 02.539 | A | M | F | s of dubard boyle rd, w of us-321, Columbia | |||
40-246 |
Columbia Public Cemetery, Old |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B03-P |
Desecrated, Between Wayne & Pulaski Sts |
40-062 |
Confederate Home Cemetery |
n34 01.379 , w81 02.378 |
40-B04-P |
aka Geiger Ave |
40-063 |
Congaree Baptist |
n33 50.583 , w80 43.917 |
F |
Congaree Ch. Rd, north of Rt 48, Gadsden |
40-064 |
Coogler #1 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
US 76 & Elliott Richardson Rd, Irmo |
40-065 |
Coogler #2 |
n34 07.255 , w81 12.159 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
250' N of Koon Rd, E of US176, Irmo |
40-066 |
Coogler #3 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
Coogler Rd, east of Koon Rd, Irmo |
40-067 |
Cooogler-Metze |
n34 07.292 , w81 12.572 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
n of Broad River Rd, w of nature creek trail, Irmo |
40-068 |
Cook |
n34 02.983 , w80 58.858 |
F |
40-B04-P |
6700 block of Satchelford Rd in Columbia |
40-424 | Cooper Farm Pioneers |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Blythewood | |||||
40-069 |
Corley Chapel (N) |
n34 04.496 , w80 54.493 |
40-B13-S1-P015 |
s of alpine rd, e of polo rd, Columbia |
40-070 |
Corley Chapel |
n34 08.250 , w81 06.633 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
aka Cory
Tims Road, off Caughman, Camp Ground, Columbia |
40-071 |
Crankfield-Lawhorn |
n34 13.856 , w80 54.252 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P015 |
300' n of Lawhorn Rd, e of mullis rd, Blythewood |
40-072 |
Crescent Hill Memorial Gardens & Mausoleum |
n34 01.800 , w81 00.517 |
F |
Two Notch Rd & Germany St, Columbia |
40-073 |
Crossroads School |
n33 56.617 , w80 41.333 |
F |
40-B06-P |
US 601 & US 76, Eastover |
40-074 |
Counts, David |
n34 12.933 , w81 18.167 |
40-B13-S4-P |
Jack Stoudemire Rd, Irmo |
40-075 |
Counts-Swygert |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
Mike Struck Rd, near Jack Stoudemire Rd, Little Mountain |
40-076 |
Dabney's Pond Negro Baptist (N) |
n34 04.350 , w80 43.967 |
F |
40-B06-P |
near Century Division & Screaming Eagle, Ft. Jackson, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-077 |
Dailey #1 |
n34 10.425 , w81 13.387 |
40-B13-S4-P |
Kennerly Rd, near Shady Grove Rd, Irmo |
40-078 |
Dailey #2 |
n34 10.389 , w81 12.229 |
40-B13-S4-P |
Kennerly & Pink Dailey Rd, Irmo |
40-080 |
Daughters of Zion Negro Baptist (N) |
n33 59.617 , w80 42.300 |
40-B06-P |
aka Truth and Ministries
McCords Ferry Rd & Circle Dr, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-426 | Davis Plantation, Grace C. | Can't locate cemetery | 115 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-427 | Davis-Thomas |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Hopkins | |||||
40-081 |
Denley (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-082 |
Dent |
n34 03.368 , w81 01.660 |
F |
40-B01-P |
US 321 & Winmet Dr, Columbia |
40-085 |
Derrick, Napolean M. |
n34 09.951 , w81 11.265 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
Kennerly Rd & Eleaser Rd, Irmo |
40-428 | Deuly Plantation, Wright | Can't locate cemetery | 115 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-086 |
De Leon |
n34 00.283 , w81 02.617 |
40-B03-P |
Taylor St, Columbia at Hebrew Cemetery |
40-087 |
De Vaux (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
US 601, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-088 |
Dixon |
n34 08.435 , w80 58.367 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P016 |
E of Albert Allen Rd, N of David Smith Rd, Columbia |
40-089 |
Douglas |
n34 00.917 , w81 02.950 |
F |
40-B04-P |
behind St. Peters at Elmwood Ave. |
40-090 |
Dowdy |
n33 56.381 , w80 42.259 |
A | M | F |
40-B06-P |
in median of US 376, e of chain gang rd, eastover |
40-091 |
Duncan, John T. |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
aka Cemetery #11
Cemetery is located on Fort Jackson on Red Diamond Road near Golden Arrow Rd, Fort Jackson |
40-092 |
Dunsforth |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B06-P |
Garners Ferry Rd, Eastover |
40-093 |
Dutch Fork Baptist |
n34 07.368 , w81 13.896 |
F |
40-B02-P |
Dreher Shoals Rd, Irmo |
40-094 |
Eargle #1 |
n34 09.117 , w81 17.100 |
F |
40-B02-P 40-B13-S4-P |
3 Dog Rd & Stone House Rd, White Rock, Chapin |
40-095 |
Eargle #2 |
n34 10.485 , w81 17.799 |
F |
n of Chapin Rd, w of seven dr, chapin |
40-096 |
Eargle #3 |
n34 12.050 , w81 17.183 |
F |
40-B02-P 40-B13-S4-P |
Hub Eargle Rd & Jake Eargle Rd, Little Mountain, White Rock |
40-097 |
Eason Memorial Baptist |
n33 52.677 , w80 41.406 |
F |
40-B06-P |
VanBrolen St, Eastover |
40-098 |
Eastminster Prebyterian |
n34 00.483 , w80 59.600 |
F |
40-B04-P |
Trenholm Rd, Columbia |
40-099 |
Ebenezer Holiness Baptist |
n34 07.484 , w80 56.501 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P016 |
Old Sloan Rd, Columbia |
40100 |
Ebenezer Lutheran |
n34 00.700 , w81 02.150 |
F |
40-B03-P |
Richland St, Columbia |
40-101 |
Ecclesia Church of God |
n34 06.471 , w81 01.536 |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P017 |
US 321, south of Boswell Rd, Columbia |
40-102 |
Edmunds |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B06-P |
near Jack Stoudemayer |
40-103 |
Eleazer-Slice |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
US 176 & Chapin Rd, Chapin |
40-104 |
Elm Savannah |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B06-P |
Elm Savanah Rd, Eastover |
40-105 |
Elmwood Memorial Gardens |
n34 00.938 , w81 03.355 |
F |
aka Confederate Soliders
Elmwood Ave, Columbia |
40-106 |
Enon Church |
n34 03.983 , w80 52.717 |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
Enon Rd, west of road 40-1795 |
40-107 |
Enon Southern Methodist |
n34 03.400 , w80 55.033 |
F |
40-B01-P |
Percival Rd, Columbia |
40-108 |
Entzminger |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
US 321,near Cedar Creek Rd, Blythewood |
40-391 |
Episcopal Church of Saint Simon & Saint Jude |
n34 05.591 , w81 09.890 |
F |
Evergreen St & Gailand St, Irmo |
40-109 |
Fairlawn UMC Methodist |
n34 07.410 , w80 59.762 |
F |
40-B04-P 40-B13-S1-P017 |
US 21 & Koon Store Rd, Columbia |
40-392 |
Fairview Baptist |
n33 58.779 , w80 52.060 |
F | Hopkins | |||||
40-110 |
Faith Baptist |
n33 58.166 , w80 44.057 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Heyward Wilson Rd at Willie Wilson Rd, Eastover. |
40-111 |
Faith Tabernacle Way of Cross (N) |
n34 06.154 , w81 03.235 |
F |
40-B04-P |
Heyward Brockington & Dakota St, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-430 | Faith Temple Holiness | 33.84888, -80.86070 | A | M | F | Hopkins | |||
40-112 |
Faust-Foost Family |
n34 04.490 , w80 54.460 |
Polo Rd, east of Alpine, aka Collie |
40-113 |
First Calvary Baptist |
n34 00.567 , w81 01.133 |
F |
40-B04-P |
Pine St, Columbia |
40-114 |
Flatlake (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
off Old Bluff Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-115 |
Ford |
n34 05.530 , w80 52.460 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P019 |
114 Belleford Ridge Rd, Columbia |
40-116 |
Forest Lake Presbyterian |
n34 02.745 , w80 57.651 |
F |
40-B04-P |
Trenholm Rd, Columbia |
40-402 | Fort Jackson National Memorial | n34 05.402 , w80 50.944 | A | M | F | percival rd & clemson rd, fort jackson | |||
40-431 | Fox | Can't locate cemetery | F | ||||||
40-117 |
Franklin Memorial Garden (N) |
n34 09.300 , w80 57.183 |
40-B01-P |
aka Robinson Memorial Gardens
Farrow Rd, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-432 | Free Hope Free Will | n34 06.766 , w80 56.845 | A | M | F | e of farrow rd, s of hard scrabble rd, next to shell gas station, Columbia | |||
40-118 |
Freshley #1 |
n34 11.125 , w81 14.607 |
F ? |
40-B13-S4-P |
Freshley Mill Rd & Ken Webber Rd, Irmo |
40-119 |
Freshley #2 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S5-P |
Muddy Ford Rd, near Wateree Creek, Little Mountain |
40-120 |
Friendship Baptist (N) |
n33 57.150 , w80 52.417 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Lower Richland Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-433 | Frost Plantation, John D. | Can't locate cemetery | 148 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-121 |
Garrett |
34.08341, -80.75358 |
F |
40-B06-P |
2111 Screaming Eagle Rd, Columbia. |
40-401 |
Garrick, Willy B. |
n33 50.732 , w80 45.355 |
F |
N of Bluff Rd, E of Moore Ln, Gadsen |
40-122 |
Gates of Heaven (N) |
n34 05.583 , w81 03.733 |
F |
40-B04-P |
Heyward Brockington, north of Temple Church, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-434 | Gates | 34.16204, -80.85379 | A | M | F | Pontiac | |||
40-123 |
Gibson |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-435 | Gill |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | On the land of James Gill, who gave it to his son Thomas Gill, who gave it to his son John Gill, Sr. | |||||
40-124 |
Gill Creek Baptist (N) |
n34 04.600 , w81 00.762 |
F |
40-B04-P 40-B13-S1-P019 |
aka Promise Land
Crawford Rd, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-125 |
Gilmore #1 |
n33 58.091 , w80 55.119 |
F |
Caughman Rd, Hopkins(?). |
40-126 |
Gillmore #2 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B06-P |
3140 Trotter Rd. behind home |
40-436 | Glover's Memorial |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Eastover | |||||
40-127 |
Golden |
n34 06.400 , w81 11.183 |
F |
40-B02-P |
aka St. Peter Baptist
Broad River Rd, Irmo, behind St Peter Baptist |
40-128 |
Good Hope Baptist |
n33 56.400 , w80 42.667 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Highway 378, Eastover |
40-129 |
Good Shepard Episcopal |
n34 00.567 , w81 01.850 |
40-B03-P |
Blanding St, Columbia |
Good Shepard Funeral Home |
Can't locate cemetery |
Eastover | |||||||
40-130 |
Good Shepard Holiness (N) |
n33 53.762 , w80 49.781 |
Gillwood Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-131 |
Goodwill Negro Baptist (N) |
n33 56.600 , w80 39.550 |
F |
40-B06-P |
US 76 - US378, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-132 |
Goodwyn (N) |
n33 53.775 , w80 51.159 |
F |
40-B06-P |
off Martin Luther King Blvd, Hopkins |
40-133 |
Government Cemetery (N) |
33.89915, -80.85686 |
F |
Hopkins, Asylum? |
40-134 |
Graddick |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S2-P |
Wildflower Rd, Blythewood |
40-135 |
Graveyard Hill |
n34 06.150 , w81 05.767 |
F |
40-B13-S2-P |
aka John Smith, Slatestone Trail or Kinnie Hill
W of RT 215, Cedar Creek, Columbia |
40-437 | Green Plantation, Lucy P. | Can't locate cemetery | 101 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-438 | Greenhaven Memorial Gardens | 34.14796, -80.82453 | A | M | F | aka Greenlawn Northeast | |||
40-439 | Greenhaven Preserve | 33.92534, -80.65974 | A | M | F | Eastover | |||
40-136 |
Greenlawn Memorial Park #1 |
n33 58.417 , w80 57.017 |
F ? |
Garners Ferry Rd & I 77, Columbia |
40-137 |
Greenlawn Memorial Park #2 |
n33 58.932 , w80 56.943 |
Windwan Dr, Columbia |
40-138 |
Greenlawn Northeast |
n34 08.900 , w80 49.537 |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P021 |
US 1, near Kelly Mill Rd, Elgin |
40-440 | Greenlawn Serenity Gardens | 33.98216, -80.94987 | A | M | F | Columbia | |||
40-441 | Geiger | 34.02280, -81.03946 | F | aka Confederate Memorial or White Asylum | |||||
40-139 |
Grooms (N) |
n33 55.080 , w80 40.930 |
F |
40-B06-P |
US 601, south of Lincoln Park Dr, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-442 | Gunter's Chapel Baptist | 34.03946, -81.00288 | A | M | F | Columbia | |||
40-140 |
Haigood |
Can't locate cemetery |
Muller Rd, Blythewood |
40-141 |
Haltiwanger |
n34 11.080 , w81 14.050 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
near Freshley Mill Rd & John Chapman Rd, Irmo |
40-443 | Hamiter |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | near SC-269, Hinnants Store Road | |||||
40-142 |
Hammond, James |
34.02634, -80.90851 |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
aka Campbell or Cemetery #7
Golden Arrow Rd, south of Dixie Rd, Ft Jackson |
40-444 | Hammond, Janie |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Columbia | |||||
40-445 | Hampton Plantation, Frank | Can't locate cemetery | 210 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-446 | Hands, Hoe |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Gadsden | |||||
40-447 | Harris Chapel | Can't locate cemetery | F | Blythewood | |||||
40-448 | Haygood, Buckner |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Blythewood | |||||
40-143 |
Haynes, Adam (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
Cabin Creek & Adam Haynes Rd, Hokins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-144 |
Hebrew Benevolent Society |
n34 00.283 , w81 02.617 |
F |
40-B03-P |
Taylor St, Columbia |
40-449 | Henley Plantation, Daniel | Can't locate cemetery | 97 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-145 |
Highway Christian Holiness |
n33 57.417 , w80 44.750 |
F |
40-B06-P |
aka Glorious Church
Piney Branch Rd, Eastover |
40-146 |
Hiller |
n34 07.883 , w81 17.650 |
F |
Hiller Rd, Chapin |
40-147 |
Holly Hill Pentecostal Holiness |
n34 06.667 , w80 53.633 |
40-B05-P 40-B13-S1-P |
aka Spring Valley Pentecostal Holiness
US 1 in Pontiac |
40-450 | Hood | 34.21003, -80.93693 | A | M | F | Blythewood | |||
40-148 |
Hope |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
Near Bookman Island & Hollingshead Creek, Irmo |
40-149 |
Hopewell |
n34 08.700 , w81 16.300 |
F |
40-B02-P |
aka Greater Hopewell
Hopewell Cemetery Rd, White Rock/Chapin |
40-393 |
Hopkins |
n33 54.532 , w80 53.277 |
F |
600' SW of Black Swamp Rd, W of Lower Richland Rd, Hopkins |
40-451 | Hopkins Presbyterian | 33.90999, -80.87346 | A | M | F | Hopkins | |||
40-452 | Horrell Hill Baptist | 33.93325, -80.84125 | A | M | F | Horrell Hill | |||
40-150 |
House (N) |
33.89844, -80.69881 |
F |
Chain Gang Rd, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-151 |
House of Peace |
n33 59.306 , w81 01.485 |
F |
40-B03-P |
aka Beth Shalom Synagogue & Whaley Street
Whaley & Marion St, Columbia |
40-152 |
Irmo Penicostal Holiness |
n34 07.183 , w81 12.483 |
F |
40-B02-P |
aka Holiness Church
US 76 & Farming Creek Rd, Irmo |
40-153 |
Jackson, William Wesley (grave) |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S1-P013 |
Pine Grove Rd, Blythewood |
40-154 |
Jackson Creek Baptist |
n34 04.817 , w80 56.433 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P026 |
Two Notch Rd in Columbia or Dentsville |
40-155 |
Jacobs Mission AME Methodist |
n34 09.298 , w80 51.017 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P037 |
Bookman Rd, Elgin |
40-156 |
James Crossing Cemetery (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-157 |
Jerusalem Baptist of Hopkins (N) |
n33 54.167 , w80 52.300 |
F |
Old Clarkston Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-196 |
Johnson-McCants |
n34 10.957 , w81 02.482 |
F |
Wilson Circle & US 321, Blythewood |
40-158 |
Jones |
n33 59.559 , w80 52.119 |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
RT 262 & Wildcat Rd, Ft Jackson/Horrell Hill |
40-160 |
Joyner #1 |
n34 15.374 , w80 54.524 |
40-B13-S1-P038 |
aka Johnson-Joyner
Mullis Rd, Blythewood |
40-161 |
Joyner #2 |
n33 50.317 , w80 42.500 |
F |
Rt 48 (Bluff Rd) east of Adams Scott Rd, Gadsden |
40-162 |
Kelly |
34.18332, -80.87180 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P039 |
Charlie Kelly & Kelly Mill Rd, Elgin |
40-163 |
Kelly-Harwell |
n34 00.269 , w80 58.090 |
F |
40-B04-P |
Kathwood Dr, Columbia |
40-164 |
Kennerly |
n34 09.546 , w81 09.539 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
end of Bookman Mill Rd, E of Kennerly Rd, Irmo |
40-165 |
Killian Baptist |
n34 08.100 , w80 56.965 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P039 |
aka Crane Creek
Killian Baptist Ch. Rd, Columbia |
40-166 |
Killian Wesleyn |
n34 07.050 , w80 55.433 |
40-B01-P |
aka Northeast Wesleyan
Sloan Rd, Columbia |
40-453 | Kingsville Community | 33.82999, -80.70538 | A | M | F | Kingville | |||
40-167 |
Koon |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B04-P 40-B13-S1-P050 |
behind Memorial Gardens, Columbia |
40-168 |
Ladson's Chapel Baptist (N) |
n33 53.845 , w80 49.427 |
F |
Cabin Creek Rd & Meeting House Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-454 | Lake Murray Presbyterian Columbarium | 34.13655, -81.30319 | A | M | F | ||||
40-169 |
Landrum-Stork |
n34 02.309 , w80 58.472 |
F |
40-B04-P |
Briarfield Rd, east of Ila Lane, Columbia |
40-170 |
Langford-Rawl |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
On Blythewood Rd in Blythewood |
40-171 |
Lebanon UMC Methodist |
n33 56.900 , w80 48.583 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Garners Ferry Rd, Hopkins/Eastover |
40-172 |
Ledingham |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
Near Horrell Hill |
40-173 |
Leevy |
n34 02.417 , w81 01.267 |
Farrow Rd, Columbia |
40-455 | LeGrand Road | 34.08950, -80.94793 | A | M | F |
aka Medlin Columbia |
40-174 |
Leitner #1 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S2-P |
Wildflower Rd, Blythewood |
40-175 |
Leitner #2 |
Can't locate cemetery |
F ? |
40-B13-S2-P |
west of Little River Rd, Winnsboro |
40-176 |
Leitner-Turnipseed |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S2-P |
Sherrill Lever Rd, Blythewood |
40-177 |
Lever |
n34 11.020 , w81 05.980 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S2-P |
Lever Rd, Blythewood |
40-178 |
Lincoln Memorial (N) |
n34 03.217 , w81 02.300 |
F |
40-B04-P |
aka McCollum Funeral Home
between Mead St & Crest St, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-179 |
Lindler |
n34 07.650 , w81 13.083 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
Broad River Rd, near Shady Grove, Irmo |
40-180 |
Lindler-Bouknight |
40-B02-P |
US 176, 1/2 past Fire Station |
40-181 |
Little Zion Baptist (N) |
n34 10.300 , w81 02.500 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P050 |
US321 & Minger Rd, Blythewood, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-182 |
Logue's Campground |
n33 58.233 , w80 45.817 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Toms Creek Rd, Hopkins |
40-183 |
Lorick #1 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
Relocate to Bookman Cemetery |
40-184 |
Lorick #2 |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
near Kinley Rd & US 176 |
40-185 |
Lowman |
n34 06.871 , w81 16.452 |
F |
40-B02-P |
Summer Haven Dr & Johnson Marina Rd, Chapin/White Rock |
40-186 |
Lower |
n34 00.565 , w81 03.421 |
F |
40-B04-P |
aka Elmwood Lower or Potters Field #3
west of Randolph Cemetery, off Pinckney St, Columbia |
40-187 |
Lucas |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
near Jack Stoudemayer & Mike Stuck Rds,Little Mountain |
40-188 |
Lunsford, Swanson |
n33 59.967 , w81 02.067 |
F |
40-B03-P |
Senate St & Assembly St, Columbia |
40-189 |
Lupo, Barbara |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S2-P |
Bookman Loop Rd, Winnsboro |
40-456 | Lutheran Church of the Incarnation | 33.99797, -80.99871 | A | M | F | ||||
40-190 |
Lybrand |
n34 00.180 , w81 04.380 |
40-457 | Lykesland |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Lykes | |||||
40-191 |
Lynch-Thomas |
n34 06.758 , w80 55.696 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P054 |
Flora Rd. near Trader Mill Rd. |
40-192 |
Macedonia Baptist |
n34 01.933 , w80 56.517 |
40-B01-P |
Percival Rd, Columbia |
40-193 |
Macedonia Baptist (old) |
n34 03.990 , w80 54.430 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B04-P |
Old Percival Rd,north of Alpine Rd, Columbia |
40-194 |
Macedonia Baptist (new) |
n34 02.917 , w80 53.067 |
40-B01-P |
south of Old Camden Rd, Ft Jackson |
40-195 |
Martin, W.M. |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
aka Brazell
Cemetery is located on Fort Jackson, near the intersection of Percival and Screaming Eagle Roads, south of the Salem Cemetery |
40-197 |
McCartha-Addy |
n34 08.653 , w81 17.886 |
40-B13-S4-P |
Peace Haven, Chapin |
40-458 |
McCollum (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-459 | McCollum Funeral Home | Can't locate cemetery |
aka Lincoln Columbia |
40-248 |
McGraw Baptist |
n34 01.397 , w80 41.933 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Old McGraw Rd, Eastover |
40-198 |
McKisssick |
n33 59.883 , w81 01.800 |
40-B03-P |
N. Sumter St, Columbia, at Library |
40-199 |
McLeod UMC Methodist |
n33 56.433 , w80 42.250 |
F |
40-B06-P |
US 76, east of Chain Gang Rd, Eastover |
40-200 |
Medlin |
n34 10.028 , w80 51.655 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P057 |
Bombing Range Rd, Elgin |
40-201 |
Memorial Gardens of Columbia |
n34 07.622 , w80 59.573 |
F |
40-B04-P 40-B13-S1-P057 |
US 21, south of Lever Acres, Columbia |
40-202 |
Meeting House (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-205 |
Meetze-Metz |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
near Broad River Rd & Broad Stone Rd, Irmo |
40-460 | Mespiah | 34.14920, -81.10140 | A | M | F | Cedar Creek | |||
40-204 |
Metz |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
Farming Creek Rd & Quick Terrace Rd, Irmo |
40-206 |
Metze |
n34 07.864 , w81 15.355 |
A | M |
40-B13-S4-P |
Shadowood Rd & Mistywood, Irmo |
40-208 |
Midlands Regional |
n34 05.400 , w80 59.350 |
40-B04-P |
aka Morris Village
off Faison Dr, at State Hospital |
40-209 |
Midway Baptist |
n33 56.570 , w80 41.621 |
F |
40-B06-P |
US 76, west of US601, Eastover |
40-210 |
Midway Independent Methodist |
n34 04.459 , w80 53.856 |
F |
40-B04-P 40-B13-S1-P068 |
On Old Percival Rd in Columbia |
40-211 |
Mill Creek AME Methodist (N) |
n33 56.233 , w80 55.367 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Longwood Rd, Columbia/Lykes, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-212 |
Mill Creek UMC Methodist |
n33 56.833 , w80 54.917 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia |
40-213 |
Miller |
n34 01.950 , w81 02.333 |
F |
40-B04-P |
near Cook & Phillips, Columbia |
40-214 |
Mills, J.E. |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B06-P |
south of Century Division rd, Ft Jackson |
40-215 |
Montgomery, David H. |
n34 12.850 , w80 55.149 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P070 |
Claude Bundrick Rd, Blythewood |
40-461 | Morris Village Memorial Gardens | 34.08792, -80.98984 | A | M | F | Stat Park | |||
40-216 |
Mount Ararat |
n33 52.050 , w80 45.783 |
near Cartin St & Congaree Ch. Rd, Gadsden |
40-462 | Mount Carmel Holiness |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Columbia | |||||
40-217 |
Mount Elon Baptist |
n33 58.800 , w80 47.867 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Mt. Elon Church Rd, Hopkins |
40-218 |
Mount Moriah Baptist (N) |
n33 50.700 , w80 49.083 |
F |
Old Bluff Rd & Mt. View Rd, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-219 |
Mount Nebo Baptist (N) |
n33 48.467 , w80 39.100 |
F |
aka Holy Revelation Tabernacle
Joe Collins Rd, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-463 | Mount Nebo Baptist (N) | 33.80703, -80.65188 | A | M | F | Gadsden, old church location | |||
40-220 |
Mount Olive AME Methodist (N) |
n34 04.067 , w81 03.082 |
F |
40-B13-S2-P |
Blue Ridge Terrace, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-221 |
Mount Olive Baptist |
n33 59.800 , w80 48.917 |
Old Leesburg Rd, Hopkins |
40-222 |
Mount Olive Baptist (N) |
n33 49.883 , w80 42.283 |
F |
Peter Seymore Rd, Gadsden |
40-513 | Mount Olive Baptist |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Horrell Hill | |||||
40-223 |
Mount Olivet Lutheran |
n34 10.350 , w81 17.117 |
F |
40-B02-P |
aka Spring Hill Lutheran
Mount Olivet Church Rd, Chapin |
40-224 |
Mount Pilgrim Church (N) |
n34 03.700 , w80 42.017 |
Elise Grant & Stackleather Rd, Lugoff, Baptist(?), Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-225 |
Mount Pilgrim Baptist (N) |
n34 07.167 , w80 56.783 |
F |
Bruce St, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-226 |
Mount Pleasant UMC Methodist |
n34 08.700 , w81 03.717 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S2-P |
Camp Ground Rd, columbia |
40-227 |
Mount Pleasant Baptist |
n34 03.067 , w80 49.100 |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
Johnson Rifle Rd & Artillery Rd |
40-464 | Mount Seir Baptist | 34.19928, -80.96636 | A | M | F |
aka Blythewood Church of God Blythewood |
40-228 |
Mount Vernon Lutheran |
n34 08.817 , w81 16.567 |
F |
40-B02-P 40-B13-S4-P |
Mount Vernon Ch. Rd & Wilbur Bickley Rd, Chapin/White Rock |
40-229 |
Mount Zion Baptist #1 (N) |
n34 11.417 , w81 01.367 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
Abney Hill Rd, Blythewood, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-230 |
Mount Zion Baptist #2 (N) |
n33 53.150 , w80 41.033 |
F |
40-B01-P |
Mount Zion Church Rd, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-231 |
Murdoch |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
R. Stoudemeyer Rd, north of US 76, Little Mountain |
40-232 |
Myers |
n33 51.933 , w80 52.867 |
F |
Bluff Rd, east of Old Bluff, Hopkins |
40-465 | Myers Plantation, William M. | Can't locate cemetery | 145 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-233 |
Nates Memorial |
n34 02.714 , w81 06.706 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
Chartwell & Chelveston, Memorial Marker only |
40-234 |
Nazarene Holiness |
33.93585, -80.77581 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Eastover |
40-235 |
Neeley |
34.24534, -80.97811 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
Raines Rd, Blythewood |
40-236 |
Neely-Hood |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S1-P |
Russ Brown Rd, Blythewood |
40-466 | New Birth Tabernacle | 33.92394, -80.82751 | A | M | F | ||||
40-237 |
New Free Hope Independent |
n34 09.383 , w80 58.183 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Marthan Rd, Blythewood |
40-467 | New Hope Lutheran |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | 1725 Old Tamah Road, Irmo | |||||
40-238 |
New Light Beaulah Baptist (N) |
n33 55.768 , w80 49.306 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Congaree Rd & 40-2561, Hopkins/Horrell Hill, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-239 |
New Saint Matthews Baptist |
n33 54.299 , w80 46.561 |
Old Congaree Rd, Eastover |
40-240 |
New Taylor's Chapel AME Methodist (N) |
n34 08.900 , w81 04.850 |
40-B01-P |
aka Taylor Chapel
Camp Ground Rd & Taylor Chapel Rd |
40-468 | Non Denomination Church of God | 33.86964, -80.76725 | A | M | F | Gadsden | |||
40-241 |
Northeast Presbyterian |
n34 05.765 , w80 53.551 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
Polo Rd, Columbia |
40-469 | Northeast Wesleyan | 34.11713, -80.92364 | A | M | F |
Pilgrim Holiness Baptist Columbia |
40-242 |
Nunamaker |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
Young Dr, east of US 176, Columbia |
40-243 |
Oak Grove Baptist |
n34 08.200 , w80 51.087 |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Old Two Notch Rd, Elgin |
40-244 |
Oak Grove Free Will Baptist |
n34 00.200 , w80 44.667 |
F |
Congress Rd, south of Rt 262, Eastover |
40-245 |
Oak Grove UMC Methodist |
n34 11.133 , w81 05.783 |
F |
40-B01-P |
Cedar Creek Rd & Kinsler Rd, Blythewood |
40-470 | Old Camp Ground |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | 13 Miles Old Winnsboro Road, Columbia | |||||
40-251 |
Oldfield Cemetery (N) |
33.94269, -80.86678 |
F |
McGregor Farms, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-252 |
Olympia |
n33 58.333 , w81 01.933 |
F |
40-B04-P |
south end of Granby Ln, Columbia |
40-471 | One Faith Ministries | 34.10795, -81.02560 | A | M | F | Columbia | |||
40-207 |
Orris-Meetzer |
n34 12.768 , w81 17.136 |
F |
end of Burdell Fuller Rd, Little Mountain |
40-253 |
Palmetto (N) |
n34 03.117 , w81 01.783 |
F |
Fairfield Rd, north of Stebondale Rd, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-254 |
Patterson, Andrew |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
located n Semmes Sargent Jasper Rds on Fort Jackson |
40-255 |
Peay Ridge Plantation |
n33 50.242 , w80 46.520 |
40-B06-P |
Saint Marks Rd & Jackson Rd, Gadsden, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-256 |
Peayridge Cemetery (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-494 |
Pilgrams Way Baptist |
n34 00.030 , w8 47.153 |
F |
Old Leesburg Rd, W of Hickory Knob Ln, Hopkins/Horrell Hill |
40-472 | Pine Grove AME Church Methodist Memorial Garden | 34.06504, -81.13431 | A | M | F | ||||
40-257 |
Pine Grove AME Methodist (N) |
n34 01.398 , w80 42.098 |
F |
40-B01-P |
Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-258 |
Pine Grove Baptist (N) |
n34 01.233 , w80 42.150 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Eastover |
40-259 |
Pine Ridge |
n34 03.250 , w81 00.733 |
F |
40-B05-P |
rear of Stover Chapel Cem, Geradine Rd, Columbia |
40-260 |
Pine View Baptist |
n34 14.200 , w80 58.167 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
aka Asbuy UMC Methodist
Pineview Church Rd, Blythewood |
40-261 |
Piney Grove Negro Baptist (N) |
n34 12.567 , w81 19.367 |
40-B13-S4-P |
Broad River Rd, east of Dan Comalander Rd, Little River |
40-262 |
Pisgah Baptist |
n34 08.967 , w81 06.067 |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S2-P |
aka Mespiah
south of GampGround Rd,west of Rt 215 |
40-473 | Pisgah Road | 34.09587, -80.97106 | A | M | F | aka SC State Hospital or State Park | |||
40-263 |
Pisgah UMC Methodist |
n34 05.717 , w80 58.283 |
F |
40-B01-P |
aka Columbia Friends Meeting Place
Powell Rd & Pisgah Church Rd,Columbia |
40-264 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist (N) |
n33 50.867 , w80 44.250 |
F |
Congeree Church Rd, Gadsden, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-474 | Porter, N.D. |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
aka Fort Jackson #8 or Neeley Columbia |
40-265 |
Prayer & Bible Study Church |
n33 49.586 , w80 38.637 |
40-B06-P |
Hwy 601,north of Cool Shade Drive, Eastover |
40-475 | Progressive Church of Our Lord | 33.88607, -80.88373 | A | M | F | Hopkins | |||
40-395 |
Promised Land |
n34 02.588 , w80 59.729 |
F |
Baldwin Rd & Cushman Dr, Columbia |
40-266 |
Rabon |
34.16208, -80.93695 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
Longtown Rd,Killian |
40-267 |
Raines |
n34 11.940 , w80 58.060 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Rimer Pond Rd, west of Wilson Blvd, Blythewood |
40-476 | Rawlinson | Can't locate cemetery | F | Forest Acres, Lykes | |||||
40-268 |
Randolph (N) |
n34 00.567 , w81 03.250 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Elmwood Ave, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-269 |
Red Hill Baptist (N) |
n33 51.433 , w80 44.883 |
F |
Congaree Church Rd, Gadsden, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-270 |
Reese Family |
n33 55.395 , w80 54.775 |
F |
40-B06-P |
northside of Montgomery Ln, Columbia |
40-271 |
Reese Family (Slaves) (N) |
n33 55.315 , w80 54.755 |
aka Pincushion
south of Montgomery Ln, Columbia |
40-477 | Reese Plantation, J. Ephraim | Can't locate cemetery | Hopkins, 110 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-272 |
Rehoboth Baptist |
n34 09.385 , w80 54.575 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Hard Scrabble Rd, Columbia |
40-273 |
Rehoboth UMC Methodist |
n34 03.715 , w80 57.670 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Two Notch Rd, Columbia |
40-274 |
Rials |
n34 02.405 , w80 58.425 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Satchelford Rd at Ila Drive in Columbia |
40-276 |
Richland Presbyterian |
n33 50.630 , w80 42.040 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Fork Church Rd, Gadsden |
40-277 |
Richland County |
n34 07.365 , w80 52.060 |
F |
40-B05-P |
east of US 1, south of Old Clemson Rd, Pontiac |
40-278 |
Rister, Sol |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
4 miles east of Peak |
40-478 | Robinson Memorial Gardens | 34.15465, -80.95426 | A | M | F |
aka Franklin Memorial Gardens Blythewood |
40-279 |
Rock Hill AME Methodist (N) |
n33 54.350 , w80 55.917 |
F |
Bluff Rd & Montgomery Rd, Columbia, Rockhill(?), Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-280 |
Rock Springs UMC Methodist ? |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B06-P |
County Rd 40-1182, Eastover |
40-479 | Rose, John |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
aka Jack Rose Pontiac |
40-281 |
Round Top Baptist (N) |
n34 11.950 , w80 55.783 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Round Top Church Rd, Blythewood, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-282 |
Royal Pines Independent Holiness |
n34 07.250 , w80 52.170 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
On Wynette St, Columbia |
40-283 |
Ruff |
34.19314, -81.03882 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Pine Grove Rd, Blythewood |
40-284 |
Ruff-Rose |
n34 14.192 , w80 51.001 |
40-B13-S1-P |
Smyrna Church Rd, Elgin |
40-285 |
Saint Andrew's Lutheran |
n34 11.083 , w81 02.300 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Blythewood Rd,east of US 321, Blythewood |
40-286 |
Saint David's UMC Methodist |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B06-P 40-B13-S3-P |
Red Diamond Rd, near Wildcat Rd, Fort Jackson |
40-396 |
Saint David's Episcopal Methodist |
n34 05.696 , w80 53.531 |
F |
605 Polo Dr, Columbia |
40-287 |
Saint James Baptist (N) |
n33 57.483 , w80 49.483 |
F |
Blue Johnson Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-288 |
Saint James Holiness (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-480 | Saint John Neumann Catholic | 34.10338, -80.89672 | A | M | F | Columbia | |||
40-481 | Saint John Ressurrection Memorial Garden | 33.89915, -80.85686 | A | M | F | Hopkins | |||
40-289 |
Saint John's Episcopal #1 |
n33 59.733 , w81 00.117 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Wheat St, Columbia |
40-290 |
Saint John's Episcopal #2 |
n33 54.117 , w80 48.000 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Elm Sanannah Rd, In Congaree |
40-291 |
Saint John's Baptist (N) |
n33 53.783 , w80 51.617 |
F |
off Ault Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-482 |
Saint John's Congaree (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-292 |
Saint John's Lutheran |
n34 10.008 , w81 12.052 |
F |
40-B02-P |
Saint Johns Ch. Rd (40-643), Irmo |
40-293 |
Saint Joseph Catholic Columbarium |
n33 59.800 , w80 59.350 |
F |
Columbarium, 3600 Devine St, Columbia |
40-483 |
Saint Lewis AME Methodist (1888) (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
4m E of Eastover on Hwy 26 |
40-294 |
Saint Luke AME Methodist (N) |
n33 48.233 , w80 38.183 |
F |
McCords Ferry Rd, Gadsden/Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-484 | Saint Luke's Episcopal Church Memorial Gardens | Can't locate cemetery | F | 1300 Pine Street, Columbi | |||||
40-297 |
Saint Mark Baptist (N) |
n33 49.783 , w80 46.567 |
F |
Saint Marks Rd, Gadsden, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-295 |
Saint Mark's Lutheran |
n34 11.767 , w81 01.150 |
F |
40-B01-P |
Blythewood Rd & Fulmer Rd, Blythewood |
40-296 |
Saint Mark's Lutheran Annex |
n34 12.700 , w80 58.517 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
aka Langford-Rawls
Dawson Creek Rd, west of Wilson blvd, Blythewood |
40-298 |
Saint Martin's in the Fields Episcopal Methodist |
n34 01.117 , w80 58.400 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Clemson Ave, Columbia, Memorial Gardens |
40-485 | Saint Mary's Episcopal Chuch Memorial Gardems | 34.04497, -81.14719 | A | M | F | Columbia | |||
40-299 |
Saint Matthew's Baptist (old) (N) |
n33 54.800 , w80 45.333 |
F |
Saint Matthews Church Rd, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-300 |
Saint Matthew's Baptist (new) (N) |
n33 54.299 , w80 46.561 |
F |
Old Congaree Rd, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-301 |
Saint Michael's & All The Eagles Episcopal Methodist |
n34 02.576 , w80 57.718 |
40-B05-P |
Trenholm Rd, Columbia |
40-397 |
Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Methodist |
n34 02.579 , w80 57.681 |
F |
6408 Bridgewood Rd, Columbia |
40-302 |
Saint Patrick's |
n34 04.117 , w81 00.583 |
F |
40-B05-P |
40-303 |
Saint Paul AME Methodist (N) |
n34 07.650 , w81 10.500 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
Miles Bowman Rd, east of Kennerly, Irmo, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-304 |
Saint Paul's Baptist (N) |
n33 50.768 , w80 47.651 |
Old Bluff Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-305 |
Saint Paul's Holiness (N) |
n33 56.534 , w80 41.836 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Garners Ferry Rd, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-486 | Saint Paul's Memorial Garden | 34.01220, -81.03329 | A | M | F | Columbia | |||
40-308 |
Saint Peter's |
n34 06.806 , w80 59.290 |
aka Vants Temple
Wilson Blvd,south of Boylston Rd, Columbia |
40-306 |
Saint Peter's |
n34 00.717 , w81 02.933 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Elmwood Ave, Columbia |
40-487 | Saint Peter's Baptist |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Irmo | |||||
40-307 |
Saint Peter's Catholic |
n34 00.304 , w81 02.305 |
F |
40-B03-P |
Park St & Taylor Sts, Columbia |
40-309 |
Saint Phillip AME Methodist (N) |
n33 51.000 , w80 39.000 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Mccords Ferry Rd, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-310 |
Saint Thomas Episcopal (N) |
n33 54.200 , w80 40.633 |
40-B06-P |
Yelton Ln, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-488 | Saint Thomas Protestant Episcopal | 33.90349, -80.67702 | A | M | F | Eastover | |||
40-311 |
Saint Westberry High Hill |
n34 00.903 , w80 52.545 |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
Hartsville Guard Rd, Ft Jackson |
40-312 |
Salem |
n34 05.333 , w80 48.683 |
F |
40-B13-S3-P |
North Tower Rd, Ft Jackson |
40-313 |
Salem UMC Methodist |
n34 06.533 , w81 13.667 |
F |
40-B02-P |
Salem Church Rd, Irmo |
40-314 |
Sanctified Church |
n33 49.349 , w80 38.501 |
40-B06-P |
US 601, north of Wateree Station Rd, Eastover |
40-315 |
Sanders |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B06-P 40-B13-S1-P |
In median of I-20 between Alpine & Pontiac exits |
40-316 |
Sandfield Baptist |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
aka Sandy Level Baptist
Russ Brown Rd & Sandfield Rd. Blythewood |
40-317 |
Sandy Level Baptist |
n34 12.900 , w80 59.400 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Blythewood Rd, west of I 77, Blythewood |
40-318 |
Sandy Run Protestant Methodist |
n34 08.852 , w80 51.295 |
F |
40-B05-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Briarcliff W, near Nature Trail, ElginPontiac |
40-320 |
Scott |
n33 50.966 , w80 43.429 |
40-B06-P |
east of Griffin Creek Rd, Gadsden |
40-321 |
Seay, John |
40-B06-P |
40-322 |
Seay, Thomas (N) |
n33 48.333 , w80 39.483 |
F |
40-B06-P |
aka Bates and Joyer(?)
south of Joe Collins Rd, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-323 |
Second Union Baptist (N) |
n33 58.587 , w81 00.724 |
F |
Andrews Rd, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-489 | Seigler | 34.17039, -81.23431 | A | M | F | Irmo | |||
40-490 | Serenity Memorial Gardes | 34.06420, -81.02860 | A | M | F |
aka Taylor Columbia |
40-324 |
Shady Grove UMC Methodist |
n34 09.350 , w81 13.050 |
F |
40-B02-P 40-B13-S4-P |
Shady Grove Rd, Irmo |
40-325 |
Shady Grove AME Methodist (N) |
n34 13.083 , w80 52.183 |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Heins Rd, Blythewood |
40-326 |
Shandon Presbyterian |
n33 59.838 , w81 00.369 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Blossom St & King St, Columbia, Columbarium |
40-398 |
Shandon UMC Methodist |
n33 59.924 , w80 59.592 |
F |
3407 Devine St, Columbia |
40-327 |
Sharp |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Lorick Ave, Columbia |
40-328 |
Sharpe |
n34 05.420 , w81 00.575 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Sharpe Rd, Columbia |
40-329 |
Shealy-Sheely |
n34 07.230 , w81 14.630 |
F |
40-B02-P 40-B13-S4-P |
aka Shealy
Marina Rd, east of Sunset Point Rd, Irmo |
40-491 | Shephed | 34.19934, -80.96825 | A | M | F | Blythewood | |||
40-330 |
Shiloh AME Methodist (N) |
n33 54.579 , w80 40.583 |
F |
40-B06-P |
McCords Ferry Rd & Kingsman Rd, Eastover, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-331 |
Shiloh (N) |
n33 55.583 , w80 39.733 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Pathway Rd, west of Vanboklen Rd, Eastover, Baptist(?) |
40-332 |
Shirah |
33.97924, -80.82466 |
F |
On Harmon Rd in Horrell Hill |
40-333 |
Siegler |
n34 10.030 , w81 14.171 |
40-B13-S4-P |
south of Kennerly Rd,west of Pat Ellisor Rd, Irmo |
40-492 |
Siloam AME Methodist (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
3m NE of Eastover, between hwy 76 & 26 |
40-334 |
Siloam Baptist (N) |
n33 56.100 , w80 49.533 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Congaree Rd, south of Saddlemount Dr, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-493 | Singleton Plantation, John | Can't locate cemetery | 185 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-335 |
Sites-Lindler |
34.18115, -81.27477 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
Pet sites Rd, east of Broad River Rd, Chapin |
40-336 |
Slice-Busby |
Can't locate cemetery |
F? |
40-B13-S4-P |
on Rt 2 near Old Hinton, Chapin |
40-337 |
Slice, Mary |
Can't locate cemetery |
F ? |
40-B13-S4-P |
Back Acres Rd & Old Hinton, Chapin |
40-338 |
Sligh Cemetery at Rose Cottage |
34.13084, -81.03232 |
F |
40-B13-S2-P |
Owens Rd, Cedar Creek, Columbia |
40-339 |
Slighs Avenue Memorial Marker |
n34 01.466 , w81 01.422 |
F |
40-B05-P |
aka Slighs Colored Asylum
N of Slighs Ave, E of Howell Ave, Columbia |
40-340 |
Smith |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
north of Ballentine |
40-494 | Snipes, Barbara |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | 1232 Hinnants Store Rd | |||||
40-342 |
South Carolina Asylum Hospital (N) |
n34 05.400 , w80 59.350 |
40-B13-S2-P |
aka 40-339 Asylum Cemetery ?
Faison Ave. |
40-341 |
South Carolina Department of Corrections |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
end of Bert Friday Dr, Columbia |
40-083 |
South Carolina Department of Corrections #1 (N) |
n34 00.783 , w81 03.367 |
F |
rear of Randolph Cemetery Elmwood Ave, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-084 |
South Carolina Department of Corrections #2 (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
Broad River Rd |
40-247 |
South Carolina Government Cemetery, Old |
n33 53.940 , w80 51.396 |
east of Ault Rd, Hopkins |
40-347 |
South Carolina State Penitentiary |
n34 00.783 , w81 03.367 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Elmwood Ave, Columbia, west of Elmwood Cemetery |
40-343 |
Souther-Turnipseed |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S2-P |
Bookman Loop Rd, Winnsboro |
40-344 |
Spear's Creek Baptist |
n34 06.233 , w80 49.517 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Spears Creek Church Ln, Columbia/Pontiac |
40-345 |
Spring Valley Presbyterian Memorial Gardens |
n34 06.740 , w80 52.880 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
aka Holly Hill
Sparkleberry Ln, Columbia, Columbarium(?) |
40-495 | Stack, Godfrey |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Irmo | |||||
40-346 |
Stoudemire |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
R. Stoudemeyer Rd, north of US 176, Little Mountain |
40-348 |
Stover Chapel AME Methodist (N) |
n34 03.250 , w81 00.725 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Geraldine St, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-349 |
Stuck-Summer |
n34 12.683 , w81 18.900 |
F |
40-B02-P 40-B13-S4-P |
aka Jacob Busby
US 176 & Mike Stuck Rd, Little River/Summerville |
40-350 |
Summer-Rhea |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
Jake Eargle Rd, near US 176,Little Mountain/White Rock |
40-351 |
Sweet Home Baptist |
33.98316, -80.92173 |
F |
40-B06-P |
Toms Creek Rd, near Christy Creek Rd, Columbia |
40-352 |
Sweet Home Church |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S3-P |
Newell St & Ivy St, Fort Jackson |
40-353 |
Swygert |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
Lost Creek Dr, Harbinson St. Forest, Columbia |
40-354 |
Taylor Chapel |
n34 00.833 , w81 01.700 |
F |
40-B03-P |
Barnwell & Richland Sts, Cedar Creek, (N?), Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-355 |
Taylor Evangelical Methodist |
n34 03.867 , w81 01.700 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Buckner Rd, Columbia, Chapel, (N)?, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-496 | Taylor Plantation, Sallie W. | Can't locate cemetery | 122 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-497 | Tempale of Faith Bible Way | 33.84931, -80.76431 | A | M | F | Gadsden | |||
40-356 |
Temple Zion Baptist (N) |
n34 05.500 , w81 03.767 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Heyward Brockington Rd & Singleton Dr, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-498 | The Gospel Lawn | 34.08899, -81.06516 | A | M | F | Columbia | |||
40-357 |
Threewits |
n34 09.233 , w81 18.400 |
F |
aka Amick
Old Hilton Rd 40-405, Chapin/White Rock |
40-358 |
Trenholm Road UMC Methodist Columbarium |
n34 00.535 , w80 59.490 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Trenholm Rd, Columbia |
40-499 | Trinty Cathedral Parish Columbarian | 34.00150, -81.03084 | A | M | F | Calumbia | |||
40-359 |
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral |
n34 00.067 , w81 01.850 |
F |
40-B03-P |
Sumter St & Senate St, Columbia |
40-250 |
Trinity UMC Methodist, Old |
34.21437, -80.98968 |
F |
40-B06-P |
40-399 |
Trinity UMC Methodist |
n34 12.900 , w80 59.450 |
W of & next to Sandy Level Baptist, 480 Blythewood Rd, Blythewood |
40-500 | True Vine Outreach Ministry | 33.94372, -80.67343 | A | M | F | Eastover | |||
40-501 | Truth Church & Ministries | 33.99317, -80.70538 | A | M | F | aka Daughters of Zion | |||
40-502 | Turner, W.D. |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Cemetery is located on Fort Jackson, near Leesburg Road and southwest area of Weston's Pond, off Washington Light Infantry Road. | |||||
40-503 | Turnipseed |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Montgomery Community, Cedar Creek | |||||
40-504 | University of South Carolina Medican School Memorial Garden | 33.97917, -80.96090 | A | M | F | cemetery is for the people who have donated their body to Medical Scienc | |||
40-505 | Unity Evangelistin Church Memorial Garden | 38.88402, -80.70408 | A | M | F | Eastover | |||
40-360 |
Unknown Name #01 |
n33 54.532 , w80 53.274 |
south of Black Swamp Rd. Hopkins |
40-361 |
Unknown Name #02 |
n33 56.252 , w80 54.670 |
west of Lykesland Trl, Lykes |
40-362 |
Unknown Name #03 |
n33 57.524 , w81 00.135 |
near Blair, south of Zion Rd, Authurtown |
40-364 |
Unknown Name #05 |
n34 05.285 , w81 04.556 |
east of Rt 215, north of Frost Hill Rd, Columbia |
40-365 |
Unknown Name #06 |
n34 03.099 , w80 59.177 |
Campanella Cir, north of Doby Dr. Columbia |
40-030 |
Unknown Name #07 |
n33 57.065 , w80 55.350 |
West of US-378 on Universal Dr. |
40-506 | Veighie Chapel Baptist | 33.98010, -80.91550 | F | Columbia | |||||
40-367 |
Veighle Chapel Baptist (N) |
n33 58.800 , w80 54.918 |
Leesburg Rd & Newell Rd,Columbia |
40-507 | Vieie Chapel |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Ewell Road near Ivy Road, Fort Jackson Military Reservation, Horrell Hil | |||||
40-366 |
Wages |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
40-B06-P |
aka Old Bethanynear
1030 Spring Creek Rd, Pontiac, 300 ft from road |
40-369 |
Washington Street UMC Methodist |
n34 00.333 , w81 01.850 |
F |
40-B03-P |
Marion & Washington Sts, Columbia |
40-508 | Watts-Wilson | 34.23048, -80.92210 | A | M | F | Blythewood | |||
40-370 |
We the Living Church |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B06-P |
Hopkins |
40-166 |
Wesleyn, Killian |
n34 07.050 , w80 55.433 |
40-B01-P |
aka Northeast Wesleyan
Sloan Rd, Columbia |
40-400 |
Westminster Presbyterian Memorial Gardens |
n34 02.034 , w81 05.365 |
F |
US176, N of Bush River Rd, Columbia |
40-371 |
Weston (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-509 | Weston Plantation, Issac P. | Can't locate cemetery | 154 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-510 | Weston Platation, Moultrie | Can't locate cemetery | 110 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-511 | Williamson | 34.13268, -81.09485 | A | M | F | Columbia | |||
40-372 |
Whites |
n34 11.267 , w81 15.150 |
F |
40-B13-S4-P |
Sid Eargle Rd, Irmo |
40-373 |
Wilson |
n34 12.665 , w81 20.278 |
F |
40-B02-P 40-B13-S4-P |
Capers Chapel Rd, Little Mountain |
40-374 |
Wilson, Harriet (grave) |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S1-P023 |
Branham & Clamp Rd, Blythewood |
40-375 |
Woodlawn (N) |
n34 09.217 , w80 57.217 |
F |
40-B01-P |
Farrow Rd, Blythewood |
40-512 | Woodward Plantation, Lewellyn | Can't locate cemetery | 120 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | ||||||
40-376 |
Wright |
34.24141, -80.95235 |
F |
40-B13-S1-P |
Portia Rd, north of Bass Rd, Blythewood |
40-513 | Yenny | Can't locate cemetery | F | White Rock/Columbia | |||||
40-377 |
Younginer |
Can't locate cemetery |
40-B13-S4-P |
moved to Bush River Mem. Gardens |
40-378 |
Young's Chapel Baptist (N) |
n34 01.067 , w81 04.883 |
F |
40-B05-P |
Garners Ferry Rd, Eastover |
40-379 |
Zion Benevolent Baptist (N) |
n33 53.467 , w80 49.350 |
F |
Meeting House Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-380 |
Zion Canaan Baptist (N) |
n34 04.733 , w80 58.567 |
F |
40-B01-P |
Farrow Rd, south of Beckman Rd, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-381 |
Zion Chapel Negro Baptist #1 (N) |
n34 05.550 , w81 01.700 |
F |
40-B05-P 40-B13-S2-P |
Water Hills Rd, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-382 |
Zion Chapel Negro Baptist #2 (N) |
n33 53.717 , w80 55.050 |
F |
Coley Rd, Columbia/Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-383 |
Zion Demasus Baptist #1 (N) |
n33 51.425 , w80 52.360 |
F |
Lost John Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40384 |
Zion Demasus Baptis #2 (N) |
n33 51.635 , w80 51.630 |
F |
H.L. Clarkson Rd & Bluff Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-385 |
Zion Episcopal |
n33 52.708 , w80 41.366 |
F |
40-B06-P |
eastside of VanBroklen Rd & Ray St, Eastover |
40-386 |
Zion Mill Creek (N) |
n33 56.572 , w80 54.950 |
F |
Mill Creek Dr, Columbia, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-387 |
Zion Pilgrim Baptist (N) |
n33 50.883 , w80 52.650 |
F |
west of Old Bluff Rd, Hopkins, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-388 |
Zion Pilgrim Baptist (N) |
n34 11.467 , w81 09.117 |
F |
40-B01-P |
Monticello Rd, Winnsboro, Recorded by Emily Vaughn |
40-389 |
Zion UMC Methodist |
n34 12.950 , w80 53.100 |
F |
40-B01-P 40-B13-S1-P |
Zion Church Rd, Blythewood |
Next #: 40-514 |