Gary Flynn ( KE8FD )
GPS Mapping |
JASPER COUNTY SC Cemetery GPS Mapping Project |
Paul Kankula ( NN8NN )
Webmaster |
Effective: 01/29/23 07:41 by: PMK |
It's very common for a cemetery to be known by several different names..!
If known, alternate names will be noted somewhere on the county's webpage listing.
Contact Gary Flynn at, if all you know, is your cemetery's general area.
Cemetery names will normally be listed in alphabetical order. Ex: Brown-Jones-Wilson Families
Surnames will normally come before given names. Ex: Brown Family, John
Plantation names were not ordinarily shown on the Census. Using plantation names to locate ancestors can be difficult because the name of a plantation may have been changed through the years and because the sizeable number of large farms must have resulted in lots of duplication of plantation names.
Plantation nicknames names, if known, will normally be listed as aka (also known as).
It's assumed that if a plantation had over 100 enslaved workers, that there would have normally been a separate cemetery for them. Often landowner's family graves might be located nearby, but always kept separate.
Plantation homes were often burned after slave emancipation, because the landowner could no longer afford to pay their land taxes.
Historical home locations can normally be determined by locating their existing foundations.
Cemetery Survey Book Surname Indexes Submitted by: Diane Johnson
The following Surname Indexes WILL NOT provide you with an Individual's Date-of-Birth/Death. It will only tell you in what Cemetery Survey Book, your Surname can be found in and on what page number.
Author: Jasper County Historical Society, Box 712, Ridgeland, SC 29936
Book 1 = Jasper County Cemeteries, (190), by: Wofford Malphrus who was assisted by many others, project range 1994-2001, 299 pgs.
Book 1 |
Index | A - | - | - | - | - Z |
Family History Library - Books The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Research Notes:
Jasper County was named for Revolutionary War hero Sergeant William Jasper (ca.1750-1779). The county was formed in 1912 from parts of Beaufort and Hampton counties, and the county seat is Ridgeland. This area of the state was the home of the Yemassee and Coosaw Indians until colonial times. In 1732 Swiss-German immigrants led by Jean Pierre Purry established a settlement called Purrysburgh on the Savannah River, but the town did not survive. Other settlers built extensive rice plantations, some of which now form the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. Two other towns in the county, Coosawhatchie and Pocotaligo, served at different times as the seat of government for Beaufort District. During the Civil War the Confederate army defeated federal troops at the battle of Honey Hill in November 1864. Jasper County was home to Thomas Heyward, Jr. (1746-1809), a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and Henry Martyn Robert (1837-1923), author of Robert's Rules of Order. (Submitted by: SC State Library / Mary Morgan, 31-Mar-2008)
(1) & (3) =
Some F-a-G cemetery name submittals only represent a plot (gathering) of family graves -- that's located within another cemetery!
Some F-a-G church name submittals only represent a church's building location -- that doesn't have an adjoining cemetery!
Some posted F-a-G GPS locations are very inaccurate and will rarely ever get corrected by its submitter!
(2) = Text File for miscellaneous information.
(3) = Jasper County Find-a-Grave Project
(4) = Survey Book Code # = County # - Survey Book # - Page #
AME = African Methodist Episcopal(N) SMC = Southern Methodist Church UMC = United Methodist Church ME = Methodist Episcopal
Zion AME = Zion African Methodist Episcopal(N) CME = Christian Methodist Episcopal (N) = Negro (S) = Slave (C) = Caucasian (I) = Indian (A) = Asian
Ref # |
Cemetery Name (1) |
GPS Mapping |
Aerial View |
Road Map |
Photos |
Text (2) |
Find a Grave (3) |
Survey Book (4) |
Location |
27-001 |
Akin |
n32 28.433 , w81 07.338 |
A |
27-B01-P001 |
27-002 |
Antioch Baptist (N) |
32.55419, -81.16993 |
A | F |
27-B01-P001 |
Pineland |
27-003 |
Backwaters (N) |
32.48787, -81.13375 |
A |
27-B01-P002 |
Tillman |
27-004 |
Backwoods (N) |
n32 33.614 , w81 08.914 |
A |
27-B01-P003 |
aka Good Hope Plantation? |
27-005 |
Bascomb |
n32 36.550 , w81 10.734 |
A |
27-B01-P003 |
27-006 |
Baxter |
n32 31.751 , w81 10.699 |
A |
27-B01-P004 |
27-007 |
Beach Hill (N) |
n32 10.413 , w81 04.636 |
A |
27-B01-P004 |
27-008 |
Beaver Dam Baptist |
32.64662, -81.01111 |
A |
27-B01-P004 |
Grays |
27-201 | Bellinger Hill Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | Part of 27-034 Delta Plantation | ||||||
27-202 | Berton | 32.41390, -80.97060 | A | M | F | ||||
27-009 |
Besselllieu |
n32 30.367 , w80 53.167 |
A |
27-B01-P012 |
aka Old Euhaw |
27-010 |
Bethel Baptist (N) |
32.60064, -81.17031 |
A | F |
27-B01-P013 |
Pineland |
27-011 |
Bolan |
n32 25.049 , w80 51.133 |
A |
27-B01-P021 |
27-012 |
Bolan-Hall (N) |
n32 25.500 , w80 51.133 |
A |
27-B01-P021 |
27-203 | Brewton Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-013 |
Brown (N) |
n32 38.183 , w81 10.016 |
A |
27-B01-P022 |
27-014 |
Bryan Dam (N) |
Can't locate cemetery | F |
27-B01-P023 |
3090 South Okatie Highway, Levy |
27-204 | Bull Bluff Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-015 |
Button (N) |
32.41421, -80.97041 |
A | F |
27-B01-P024 |
aka Berton
Ridgeland |
27-205 | Cane Knoll Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | Part of 27-034 Delta Plantation | ||||||
27-017 |
Carrie Battle Memorial (N) |
n32 25.333 , w80 53.183 |
A |
27-B01-P032 |
27-071 | Carroll | 32.52564, -81.16997 | A | M | Tarboro | ||||
27-018 |
Carswell Memorial (N) |
32.53547, -81.15687 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P033 |
aka Saint Mary's
Tarboro |
27-019 |
Ceilly Hill (N) |
n32 26.882 , w80 54.051 |
A |
27-B01-P034 |
27-206 | Chelsea Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | On Chechessee River in Richland | ||||||
27-207 | Cheney | Can't locate cemetery | F | Gillisonville | |||||
27-020 |
Cheves (N) |
n32 08.407 , w81 02.990 |
A |
27-B01-P035 |
27-021 |
Chimley Cole (N) |
n32 36.550 , w81 11.833 |
A |
27-B01-P035 |
27-022 |
Chisholm (N) |
32.23640, -81.11280 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P036 |
27-108 |
Clydesdale Plantation |
n32 06.983 , w81 04.489 |
A |
27-B01-P287 |
27-023 |
Cook Landing (N) |
32.19438, -80.99988 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P037 |
27-024 |
Cooper (N) |
32.18920, -81.04220 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P039 |
27-025 |
Coosawhatchie First Baptist |
32.58851, -80.92786 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P041 |
Cossawhatchie |
27-026 |
Cotton Hall (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P042 |
27-027 |
Crosby |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P043 |
On Tom Stanleys estate, near Corner Lake |
27-082 | Cubbage Hill Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-028 |
Cummingsville (N) |
32.14223, -80.98921 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P043 |
27-209 | Cuthbert Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-029 |
Cypress Creek Sawmill (N) |
32.55063, -81.17554 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P045 |
Pineland |
27-210 | Cypress Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | F | Ridgeland | |||||
27-030 |
Davant Plantation |
n32 36.099 , w81 00.203 |
A |
27-B01-P046 |
aka The Oaks Plantation |
27-031 |
Davis |
32.73458, -81.03616 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P046 |
Grays |
27-032 |
Davis |
n32 37.395 , w80 53.191 |
A |
27-B01-P047 |
27-033 |
Dawson |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P047 |
Just north of Dawson Landing & Hwy 462 |
27-034 |
Delta Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
n32 08.657 , w81 01.246 |
A | F |
27-B01-P048 |
Hardeeville |
27-035 |
Dupont |
n32 27.282 , w81 00.582 |
A | F |
27-B01-P048 |
Ridgeland |
27-036 |
Ellis |
n32 41.335 , w81 00.580 |
A |
27-B01-P049 |
27-211 | Fairfield Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | Part of 27-154 Spring Hill Plantation | ||||||
27-212 | Fairland Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-037 |
Fenwick Monument |
n32 34.687 , w81 13.223 |
A |
27-B01-P049 |
27-038 |
Ferebee |
n32 22.717 , w81 07.450 |
A |
27-B01-P050 |
aka Humbert |
27-039 |
Ferebeeville (N) |
n32 25.177 , w81 00.602 |
A | F |
27-B01-P051 |
aka First Baptist
Ridgeland |
27-040 |
Fife Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
n32 08.531 , w81 05.900 |
A |
27-B01-P056 |
27-072 | First Baptist Church at Coosawhatchie | 32.58810, -80.92569 | A | M | Coosawhatchie | ||||
27-213 | First Euhaw Baptist | 32.41867, -81.01125 | A | M | F | Ridgeland | |||
27-214 | First Pine Savannah Baptist | 32.66273, -81.12439 | A | M | F | Pineland | |||
27-073 | First Point Savannah Baptist | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-041 |
Floyd |
32.44720, -81.09000 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P056 |
27-042 |
Floyd Place |
n32 26.663 , w81 04.500 |
A |
27-B01-P061 |
aka Jones | ||||
27-215 | Forist Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-043 |
Frampton (N) |
32.63081, -80.87392 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P061 |
Coosawhatchie | ||
27-044 |
Gailfield (N) |
32.55738, -81.20462 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P064 |
27-045 |
Gale |
n32 08.749 , w80 58.367 |
A |
27-B01-P064 |
27-109 |
Garrrett (N) |
32.20030, -81.08750 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P169 |
27-046 |
Garvin (N) |
n32 39.197 , w81 02.948 |
A |
27-B01-P065 |
27-047 |
Gillison Branch (N) |
32.58698, -81.08912 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P065 |
Pineland |
27-048 |
Gillison |
n32 35.305 , w80 55.775 |
A |
27-B01-P068 |
27-049 |
Gillisonville Baptist |
32.60765, -80.99739 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P068 |
Gillisonville |
27-050 |
Glover (N) |
n32 37.415 , w81 11.333 |
A |
27-B01-P076 |
27-051 |
Gloveryard (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P076 |
27-052 |
Goethe |
32.00000, 81.00000 |
A | M |
27-B01-P077 |
27-053 |
Good Hope Baptist (N) |
n32 34.000 , w81 08.350 |
A |
27-B01-P077 |
27-216 | Good Hope Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | Partially located in Beaufort County | ||||||
27-217 | Grace Episcopal | 32.34567, -80.87735 | A | M | F | Okatie | |||
27-055 |
Grahamville (North) |
32.47030, -80.97390 ? |
A | M | F ? |
27-B01-P080 |
Ridgeville |
27-056 |
Grahamville (South) (N) |
n32 28.148 , w80 58.483 |
27-B01-P097 |
27-057 |
Graves Cemetery (N) |
n32 37.388 , w81 11.352 |
A |
27-B01-P105 |
27-058 |
Great Swamp Baptist |
32.49549, -81.02018 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P105 |
Ridgeland |
27-059 |
Green (N) |
32.29744, -81.11913 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P118 |
Hardeeville |
27-218 | Greenwood Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | Part of 27-??? Gregorie Neck Plantation | ||||||
27-219 | Gregorie Neck Plantation | Can't locate cemetery |
aka DeVeaux"s Neck On Tullifinny River, Graeme's Neck |
27-060 |
Grimes |
32.68950, -81.03106 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P124 |
Grays |
27-061 |
Haphazard (N) |
32.45514, -81.00951 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P132 |
Ridgeland |
27-062 |
Hardee |
n32 09.448 , w81 01.601 |
A |
27-B01-P134 |
27-063 |
Hardee Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
n32 09.566 , w81 01.814 |
A |
27-B01-P134 |
27-064 |
Hardee, Thomas |
n32 08.670 , w80 59.914 |
A |
27-B01-P278 |
27-065 |
Hardee-Blake |
n32 16.949 , w81 04.552 |
A |
27-B01-P136 |
27-265 | Hardy | 32.15920, -81.03060 | A | M | F | ||||
27-066 |
Hazzards Back Creek |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P137 |
aka Chelsea Plantation |
27-068 |
Heyward, Thomas Jr. |
32.45566, -80.89678 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P279 |
Old House | ||
27-067 |
Heyward Plantation, David |
n32 25.884 , w80 50.567 |
A |
27-B01-P137 |
27-110 |
Heyward Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
n32 33.933 , w80 52.650 |
A |
27-B01-P170 |
27-220 | Hill | Can't locate cemetery | F | ||||||
27-069 |
Hogg |
n32 25.734 , w80 50.650 |
A |
27-B01-P137 |
27-070 |
Holy Trinity Episcopal |
n32 28.232 , w80 57.931 |
A |
27-B01-P138 |
27-071 |
House of Prayer (N) |
n32 27.333 , w81 06.217 |
A |
27-B01-P138 |
27-072 |
Hudson (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P139 |
27-073 |
Huguenin (N) |
32.53663, -80.88447 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P139 |
Ridgeland | ||
27-221 | Humberts | 32.37830, -81.12440 | A | M | F | ||||
27-222 | Inverary Plantation | Can't locate cemetery |
aka Upper Delta part of 27-034 Delta Plantation |
27-074 |
Jenkins Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
32.57746, -80.85110 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P139 |
27-075 |
Johnson |
n32 39.598 , w81 08.085 |
A |
27-B01-P143 |
27-076 |
Kennedy-Taylor (N) |
32.46040, -81.06281 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P144 |
Ridgeland | ||
27-077 |
King (N) |
n32 28.158 , w80 58.489 |
A |
27-B01-P144 |
27-078 |
Kirk Plantation Slaves (N) |
32.41780, -81.11170 |
27-B01-P145 |
aka Arm Oak Plantation | |||||
27-079 |
Laurel Hill (N) |
n32 10.001 , w81 07.002 |
A |
27-B01-P147 |
27-074 | Lawton | Can't locate cemetery | F | Robertville | |||||
27-080 |
Lawton, Colonel |
32.61802, -81.16085 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P036 |
Pineland |
27-081 |
Lawyers (N) |
n32 37.372 , w81 11.425 |
A |
27-B01-P148 |
27-223 | Lindon Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | On New River | ||||||
27-224 | Lockwood Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-082 |
Log Haul (N) |
32.54307, -80.96565 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P148 |
Log Hall ? |
27-083 |
Logan (N) |
n32 25.262 , w80 53.918 |
A |
27-B01-P149 |
27-225 | Lowbottom Community | 32.34917, -80.85785 | A | M | F | Okatie | |||
27-226 | Lucknow Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | On Savannah River in St. Peter's Parish | ||||||
27-084 |
Mackay's Point Plantation Slaves (N) |
n32 33.467 , w80 50.784 |
A |
27-B01-P150 |
Pocotaligo |
27-227 | Malphrus Family | 32.50819, -81.04004 | A | M | F | JM-GPS, 294 Jim Dean, Ridgeland | |||
27-228 | Manigault Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-229 | Maurene Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | In Hardeeville | ||||||
27-230 | Maye River Baptist | 32.24640, -80.97606 | A | M | F | Pocotaligo | |||
27-231 | McDougal Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | On New River | ||||||
27-085 |
Memorial Cemetery (N) |
n32 33.717 , w81 07.983 |
A |
27-B01-P151 |
27-086 |
Mew #1 |
n32 26.133 , w81 01.417 |
A |
27-B01-P152 |
aka Shoemaker |
27-087 |
Mew #2 |
n32 43.831 , w81 00.318 |
A |
27-B01-P152 |
27-232 | Mock, Murray | Can't locate cemetery | F | ||||||
27-088 |
Milbank Memorial Garden |
n32 33.767 , w80 58.700 |
A |
27-B01-P153 |
27-233 | Military | Can't locate cemetery | F | Hardeeville | |||||
27-234 | Mill Haven Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-089 |
Mims-Yarley |
32.55391, -81.27222 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P153 |
27-090 |
Mitchell (N) |
32.58607, -80.90739 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P153 |
Coosawhatchie |
27-075 | Mock, Muray | Can't locate cemetery | F | Ridgeland | |||||
27-091 |
Moncepoe (N) |
32.59416, -80.93750 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P155 |
Rideland |
27-235 | Mont Repose Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | In Ridgeland | ||||||
27-092 |
Morrell |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P287 |
27-093 |
Morrison #1 |
n32 37.017 , w80 59.997 |
A |
27-B01-P156 |
27-094 |
Morrison #2 |
n32 35.668 , w81 07.447 |
A |
27-B01-P157 |
27-095 |
Mosse |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P157 |
27-096 |
Mount Calvary Baptist |
32.32346, -81.11941 |
A | M |
Hardeeville |
27-097 |
Mount Moriah Baptist (N) |
32.61953, -81.13018 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P158 |
Pineland |
27-236 | Mount Olive Memorial | 32.22471, -81.07694 | A | M | F | Haedeeville | |||
27-098 |
Mount Pleasant (N) |
32.63822, -80.86026 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P160 |
Pocotaligo |
27-099 |
Mount Zion AME (N) |
32.59566, -81.23175 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P160 |
27-100 |
Mouzon (N) |
32.48245, -81.03894 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P158 |
Ridgeland |
27-237 | Mulberry Grove Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-101 |
Murphys (N) |
32.61794, -81.16123 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P160 |
Pineland |
27-102 |
Murry Hill Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
n32 07.550 , w81 05.517 |
A |
27-B01-P161 |
27-103 |
Nazarene (N) |
32.60074, -81.10483 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P162 |
Pineland |
27-238 | Neck, Gregory | Can't locate cemetery | F | Ridgeland | |||||
27-104 |
New Garret (N) |
32.22420, -81.07690 |
F |
27-B01-P165 |
aka Mount Olive |
27-105 |
New River Plantation |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P166 |
east of Hardeeville |
27-106 |
Norton |
32.62614, -81.16748 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P167 |
Pineland |
27-107 |
Oak Grove Baptist |
32.67112, -81.07182 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P167 |
Grays |
27-239 | Ocean Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-240 | Oglethorpe Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | On New River | ||||||
27-241 | Oregon Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-112 |
Parker (N) |
32.17310, -81.04060 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P170 |
27-113 |
Partridge Hill (N) |
32.48470, -80.89670 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P173 |
27-242 | Patterson | Can't locate cemetery | F | Ridgeland | |||||
27-114 |
Pecan Hill |
n32 26.802 , w81 06.649 |
A | F |
27-B01-P174 |
27-115 |
Pelot (N) |
32.23940, -81.08920 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P175 |
Hardeeville |
27-116 |
Perry (N) |
32.52134, -81.00866 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P177 |
Ridgeland |
27-117 |
Phillipsville |
32.68863, -81.05383 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P177 |
Grays |
27-118 |
Pilot (Pelot) (N) |
n32 14.383 , w81 05.333 |
A |
27-B01-P180 |
27-119 |
Pinckney Hill (N) |
n32 27.000 , w81 05.349 |
A |
27-B01-P180 |
27-243 | Pin Cushion Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-120 |
Pine Level Baptist |
32.70093, -81.02855 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P181 |
Tillman |
27-244 | Pleasant Hill Plantation | Can't locate cemetery |
aka Old Barn Mt Pleasant, in Robertville |
27-121 |
Poindexter |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P182 |
near fork of Hwy 17 & 170 |
27-122 |
Point South (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P182 |
on Wyman Boozer's place |
27-123 |
Pool 17, Wildlife Refuge (N) |
n32 08.717 , w81 06.632 |
A |
27-B01-P182 |
27-124 |
Porter (N) |
32.37781, -81.12244 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P183 |
Hardeeville |
27-245 | Poverty Hall Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-125 |
Preference (N) |
32.44670, -80.91030 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P185 |
27-126 |
Pritchard Grave (N) |
n32 26.903 , w80 55.600 |
A |
27-B01-P187 |
27-127 |
Point Savannah Baptist (N) |
n32 39.749 , w81 07.483 |
A |
27-B01-P187 |
27-128 |
Purysburgh Memorial |
32.29697, -81.11929 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P189 |
Hardeeville | ||
27-246 | Red Bluff Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | On New River | ||||||
27-129 |
Red Dam Baptist |
32.31277, -81.03220 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P195 |
Hardeeville | ||
27-130 |
Red Hill |
32.65517, -81.00998 |
A | M |
27-B01-P199 |
Grays | |||
27-247 | Republican Hall | 32.49530, -80.86110 | A | M | F | aka Taylor | |||
27-248 | Rice Field | 32.42214, -80.91444 | A | M | F | Ridgeland | |||
27-131 |
Rice Hope (N) |
n32 07.632 , w81 05.485 |
A |
27-B01-P204 |
27-249 | Riceshire Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | aka Rice Shire | ||||||
27-132 |
Richardson (N) |
n32 27.633 , w81 03.667 |
A |
27-B01-P204 |
aka Rhoden Ward | ||||
27-133 |
Ridgeland Community |
32.48701, -80.98875 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P205 |
Ridgeland | ||
27-134 |
Riley-Youmans (N) |
n32 39.751 , w81 03.502 |
A |
27-B01-P232 |
27-135 |
Robert |
32.62081, -81.18247 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P233 |
Robertville | ||
27-136 |
Roberts, Mary |
n32 28.318 , w81 07.883 |
A |
27-B01-P151 |
27-137 |
Robertville Baptist |
32.58640, -81.20030 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P235 |
aka Black Swamp Baptist |
27-138 |
Rock Spring Baptist (N) |
32.65795, -80.99852 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P239 |
Grays |
27-250 | Rocky Point Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-076 | Roseland | 32.52142, -80.87651 | A | M | F | Ridgeland | |||
27-139 |
Roseland Plantation |
n32 32.042 , w80 53.086 |
A |
27-B01-P249 |
Ridgeland |
27-140 |
Roseland Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
n32 31.315 , w80 52.534 |
A |
27-B01-P245 |
Ridgeland |
27-141 |
Saint John AME Methodist |
32.46050, -81.06086 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P267 |
Ridgeland |
27-142 |
Saint Lukes |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P271 |
27-143 |
Saint Paul Baptist |
32.58585, -80.92826 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P265 |
Coosawhatchie |
27-251 | Saucie | 32.26860, -81.11220 | A | M | F | ||||
27-144 |
Salvesbarg (N) |
32.47360, -80.84720 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P250 |
aka Saulsburg |
27-145 |
Sardis, Old |
32.51001, -81.03115 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P251 |
27-077 | Saucie | 32.26860, -81.11220 | A | M | F | ||||
27-146 |
Saulsburg Road |
32.46862, -80.86674 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P255 |
27-147 |
Saussy (N) |
n32 16.133 , w81 06.717 |
A |
27-B01-P256 |
aka Saucle |
27-148 |
Savannah Wildlife Refuge |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P257 |
27-149 |
Second Euhaw Baptist (N) |
32.42735, -80.89692 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P257 |
Ridgeland |
27-252 | Second Thankful Baptist | 32.60000, -81.15972 | A | M | F | Pineland | |||
27-253 | Shad | 32.14720, -80.99830 | A | M | F | ||||
27-150 |
Shadd Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
n32 08.850 , w80 59.883 |
A |
27-B01-P258 |
27-254 | Sherwood Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | F | Hardeeville | |||||
27-151 |
Simmons (N) |
n32 24.285 , w81 07.613 |
A |
27-B01-P260 |
27-255 | Singleton, King | 32.46912, -80.97440 | A | M | F | Ridgeland | |||
27-256 | Sloe Hill Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-152 |
Solomon Temple (N) |
32.59217, -81.18751 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P261 |
Robertville |
27-153 |
Sprigs/Lawton (N) |
n32 35.746 , w81 12.514 |
A | M |
27-B01-P261 |
27-154 |
Spring Hill Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P265 |
Between Ridgeland & Coosawhatchie, includes plantations Retreat & Fairfield |
27-155 |
State Cemetery (N) |
32.26783, -81.05417 |
A | M |
27-B01-P271 |
Hardeeville |
27-156 |
Strawberry Hill Plantation |
32.44369, -80.88813 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P274 27-B01-P275 |
Ridgeland |
27-158 |
Strobhar |
32.40580, -81.12750 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P275 |
27-257 | Switzerland Plantation |
Can't locate cemetery |
F | Ridgeland | |||||
27-159 |
Taylor (N) |
n32 29.734 , w80 51.650 |
A |
27-B01-P276 |
aka Republication Hall |
27-160 |
Taylor |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P278 |
27-258 | The Church Knoll | 32.13768, -81.10470 | A | M | F | ||||
27-259 | The Oaks Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | aka 27-030 Davant Plantation | ||||||
27-161 |
Tickton Hall (N) |
n32 26.018 , w80 52.189 |
A |
27-B01-P280 |
27-162 |
Tillman UMC Methodist |
32.46629, -81.10916 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P281 |
27-163 |
Tindal |
n32 42.550 , w81 00.598 |
A |
27-B01-P283 |
27-164 |
Tomb Hill |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
27-B01-P284 |
27-165 |
Tucker-Tuten |
32.63657, -81.16701 |
A | N | F |
27-B01-P285 |
Gillisonville | ||
27-260 | Turkey Hill Plantation | Can't locate cemetery |
aka Cypress Woods Corp near Ridgeland |
27-166 |
Tuten |
32.73206, -81.01568 |
A | M | F ? |
27-B01-P285 |
Grays | ||
27-167 |
Tuten |
n32 43.915 , w81 00.952 |
A |
27-B01-P286 |
Duplicate ? | ||||
27-168 |
Tuten |
n32 44.309 , w81 02.033 |
A |
27-B01-P286 |
27-169 |
Unknown Name #1 |
n32 34.203 , w80 51.228 |
A |
MacKays Rd |
27-170 |
Unknown Name #2 |
n32 37.692 , w81 01.999 |
A |
west of Road 27-75 |
27-171 |
Unknown Name #3 |
n32 43.913 , w81 02.052 |
A |
west of US 278 near Rd. 27-108 |
27-261 | Vernersobre Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | aka Vernesover Plantation | ||||||
27-262 | Vivian Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | |||||||
27-263 | Ward, Rhoden | 32.46030, -81.06140 | A | M | F | ||||
27-172 |
White (N) |
n32 36.090 , w81 10.503 |
A |
27-B01-P288 |
27-173 |
White Hall Plantation (Slaves) (N) |
n32 26.634 , w80 51.650 |
A |
27-B01-P288 |
aka Mitchell |
27-174 |
White, Hardee #1 |
n32 18.699 , w81 04.984 |
A | F ? |
27-B01-P289 |
27-175 |
White, Hardee #2 (N) |
n32 18.750 , w81 04.633 |
A | F ? |
27-B01-P290 |
27-176 |
White House (N) |
n32 38.858 , w80 51.967 |
A |
27-B01-P291 |
27-177 |
Whitehead |
n32 08.817 , w80 58.317 |
A |
27-B01-P291 |
27-178 |
Williams, Joe |
32.23190, -81.01640 |
A | M |
Hardeeville |
27-179 |
Williams, Joe |
Can't locate cemetery |
F |
27-B01-P141 |
Hardeeville |
27-180 |
Wilmaness (N) |
n32 38.766 , w80 52.352 |
A |
27-B01-P291 |
27-181 |
Winkler |
32.42360, -81.15690 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P292 |
aka Winkler |
27-182 |
Winn |
32.74970, -81.03937 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P292 |
aka Wynn
Grays |
27-183 |
Woods #1 |
n32 39.768 , w81 03.552 |
A |
27-B01-P294 |
27-184 |
Woods #2 |
Can't locate cemetery |
27-B01-P295 |
27-264 | Wright's Savannah Plantation | Can't locate cemetery | On Savannah River | ||||||
27-185 |
Wrightfield (N) |
32.42190, -80.91470 |
A | M | F |
27-B01-P295 |
27-186 |
Youmans (N) |
n32 38.026 , w81 02.312 |
A | F |
27-B01-P299 |
Gillisonville |
27-290 |