Gary Flynn ( KE8FD )
GPS Mapping |
Cemetery GPS Mapping Project
Paul Kankula ( NN8NN )
Webmaster |
Effective: 04/28/24 07:31 by: PMK |
It's very common for a cemetery to be known by several different names..!
If known, alternate names will be noted somewhere on the county's webpage listing.
Contact Gary Flynn at, if all you know, is your cemetery's general area.
Cemetery names will normally be listed in alphabetical order. Ex: Brown-Jones-Wilson Families
Surnames will normally come before given names. Ex: Brown Family, John
Plantation names were not ordinarily shown on the Census. Using plantation names to locate ancestors can be difficult because the name of a plantation may have been changed through the years and because the sizeable number of large farms must have resulted in lots of duplication of plantation names.
Plantation nicknames names, if known, will normally be listed as aka (also known as).
It's assumed that if a plantation had over 100 enslaved workers, that there would have normally been a separate cemetery for them. Often landowner's family graves might be located nearby, but always kept separate.
Plantation homes were often burned after slave emancipation, because the landowner could no longer afford to pay their land taxes.
Historical home locations can normally be determined by locating their existing foundations.
Three-Rivers Historical Society Cemetery Survey Book Surnames Submitted by: Kathy Loyd
The following Surname Indexes WILL NOT provide you with an Individual's Date-of-Birth/Death. It will onlytell you in what Cemetery Survey Book, your Surname can be found in and on what page number.
Book 1 = Clarendon, Florence & Williamsburg County Cemeteries (65), burials before 1972, 275 pgs, by Bernice G. McCutcheon
Book 1 |
Cover & Index |
Sumter County Chapter of SC Genealogical Society Cemetery Survey Book Surname Indexes Submitted by: Jackie Hughes & Dick Sanders
This Surname Index WILL NOT provide you with an Individual's Date-of-Birth or Date-of-Death. It will only tell you in what Genealogical Society Cemetery Survey Book, your surname data is located in and on what page number.
Book 1 = Clarendon County Cemeteries (92), burials before 1991, 604 pgs, by Genealogical Society, (not currently for-sale)
Book 2 = Clarendon County Cemeteries (68), burials before 2008, 595 pgs, by Ken & Dee Schmidt
Miscellaneous Reference Books
Memorial to Those Who Lie in Gibbons Cemetery, near Truslers Branch, 1985, by Laura Hersperger
Works Progress Administration Historical Records Survey - Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions
Sketches of Planters, Plantations & Living Along the Great Road, Saint Mark's Parish, 1700-2000, 200 pgs, photographs, by Charles Broadwell,
Sketches of Planters, Preachers, Hunters & Villiams of the Upper Sumter District, 186 pgs, photographs & Maps, by Charles Broadway,
Shadows of the Past: An Illustrated History of Clarendon County, SC by Sylvia H. Clark, Ph.D.
Black Churches & Cemeteries (27), 250 pgs, by Emily E. Vaughn
Family History Library - Books The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Book 3 | Cover & Index | ||||
Book 4 | Cover & Index |
Lake & River Construction Grave Reinterments
By: Santee Cooper
Projects: Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, Cooper River & Santee River.
Counties: Berkeley, Calhoun, Clarendon, Orangeburg & Sumter
Research Notes:
Clarendon County was named for Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon (1608/9-1674), one the Lords Proprietors of Carolina. The county was first established in 1785; in 1800 it became part of Sumter District but then was split from Sumter in 1857. The county seat is Manning. Several Revolutionary War skirmishes took place in this area; at Fort Watson in 1781 British soldiers were driven from a large Indian mound that had been fortified. During the Civil War Union troops under General Edward Potter moved through the area, burning several plantations. In the 1950s Clarendon County schools were sued over the issue of racial segregation. The case, Briggs v. Elliott, was one of several cases that eventually led the U. S. Supreme Court to abolish segregation in 1954. Clarendon County can claim five South Carolina governors, all related: James Burchell Richardson (1770-1836), Richard Irvine Manning (1789-1836), John Peter Richardson (1801-1864), John Laurence Manning(1816-1889), and John Peter Richardson (1831-1899). Children's author Peggy Parish (1927-1988) and tennis player Althea Gibson (1927-2003) are also Clarendon natives. (Submitted by: SC State Library / Mary Morgan, 31-Mar-2008)
(1) & (3) =
Some F-a-G cemetery name submittals only represent a plot (gathering) of family graves -- located within another cemetery!
Some F-a-G church name submittals only represent a church's building location -- that doesn't have an adjoining cemetery!
Some posted F-a-G GPS locations are very inaccurate and will rarely ever get corrected by its submitter!
(2) = Text File for miscellaneous information.
(3) = Clarendon County Find-a-Grave Project
(4) = Survey Book Code # = County # - Survey Book # - Page #
AME = African Methodist Episcopal (N) SMC = Southern Methodist Church UMC = United Methodist Church ME = Methodist Episcopal
Zion AME = Zion African Methodist Episcopal (N) CME = Christian Methodist Episcopal (N) = Negro (S) = Slave (C) = Caucasian (I) = Indian (A) = Asian
(*) = It's assumed that most plantations listed in this county survey probably had Enslaved Negro cemeteries. These cemeteries were often located next to (but not within) any cemeteries that were established for the landowner's family. There have been cases where both cemeteries can actually be seen using Google's Satellite Views, based on written family histories. (The Find-a-Grave Project might contain photographs of such.)
Ref # |
Cemetery Name (1) |
GPS Mapping |
Aerial View |
Road Map |
Photos |
Text (2) |
Find a Grave(3) |
Survey Book # (4) |
Location |
14-500 | Alcolu Community Deleverance Temple | 33.72195, -80.19424 | A | M | F | Alcolu | ||||
14-001 |
Andrew's Chapel Methodist |
n33 39.267 , w80 23.050 |
F |
14-B01-P538 |
Pulitzer Rd & H T Everett Rd, Summerton |
14-002 |
Antioch Memorial Gardens |
n33 36.125 , w80 12.887 |
F |
2000 ft w of SR 260, 1700 ft n of Joseph Lemon Dingle Rd, Manning |
14-003 |
Antioch UMC Methodist |
n33 39.517 , w80 29.733 |
F |
aka New Branch
Old River Rd, n of McKnight-Drayton Rd, Pinewood |
14-004 |
Aycock-Shorter Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P467 |
Davis Station |
14-005 |
Bagnal-Oliver Family |
n33 41.268 , w80 03.142 |
F |
14-B01-P194 |
200 ft n of SR 261, 1200 ft e of Brewington Rd, Greeleyville (sign) |
14-006 |
Barrett Church |
n33 41.267 , w80 17.060 |
F |
50 ft s of Silver St, 300 ft e of Weeping Cherry Ln, Manning |
14-007 |
Barrineau Pentecostal Holiness |
n33 52.367 , w79 54.417 |
F |
14-B01-P086 |
E. Main St & n Main St, Lake City |
14-501 | Barwick-Spigner Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F | |||||||
14-008 |
Bay Branch |
can't locate cemetery |
June Branch Rd, Manning |
14-009 |
Benbow-Green Family |
n33 31.545 , w80 19.265 |
F |
14-B01-P494 |
next to 5177 Tennis Ln, e of Benbow Dr, Summerton |
14-072 |
Benbow-Humphrey Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P563 |
14-502 | Bethel Rock |
can't locate cemetery |
F | |||||||
14-010 |
Bethel UMC Methodist |
n33 38.517 , w80 13.950 |
M |
F |
Loss Brook Rd, s of Raccoon Rd, Manning |
14-011 |
Bethlehem Missionary Baptist (N) |
n33 31.933 , w80 18.867 |
F |
aka Bethel AME Methodist (N)
Anderson Dr & Rowe Dr, Summerton |
14-012 |
Bethlehem United Methodist |
n33 36.884 , w80 15.172 |
F |
14-B01-P457 |
e of Loss Brook Dr, s of Waldrop Rd, Manning |
14-013 |
Biggers AME Methodist (N) |
n33 41.483 , w80 04.450 |
F |
14-B02-P001 |
SR 261, w of Brewington Rd, Manning |
14-014 |
Blackwell, Mary Holladay- |
33.65667, -80.18881 |
F |
14-B01 Addendum |
14-015 |
Bloomville Church |
n33 37.960 , w80 10.045 |
n of Bonanza Crossing, w of Bloomville Rd, Manning |
14-503 |
Boger Family, Tom (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
5m s of St. Paul, e of US 15 |
14-016 |
Boyd-Garden-James-Johnson |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P580 |
14-017 |
Brewington Presbyterian |
n33 42.133 , w80 03.150 |
F |
14-B01-P195 |
Brewington Rd, n of SR261, Manning |
14-018 |
Briggs Chapel |
n33 32.317 , w80 19.717 |
F |
Wash Davis Rd, s of Rowe Rd, Summerton |
14-021 |
Briggs-Butler Family |
n33 31.785 , w80 22.395 |
14-B01-P418 |
Liberty Hill Rd, n of Bynum Rd, Summerton |
14-504 | Briggs Plantation, Thomas W. | can't locate cemetery | 100 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-019 |
Brock Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P537 |
Summerton |
14-020 |
Brown Family 1 |
n33 37.917 , w80 23.950 |
F |
14-B01-P441 |
Brock Rd & Cane Savannah Rd, Summerton |
14-505 | Brown Family #2 | 33.75091, -80.34831 | A | M | F | Paxville | ||||
14-506 | Butler Family | 33.53000, -80.37390 | A | M | F | Summerton | ||||
14-022 |
Byrd-Gibbons Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P175 |
edge of Pudding Swamp |
14-023 |
Calvary Baptist #1 |
n33 42.033 , w80 25.017 |
F ? |
14-B01-P568 |
Cane Savannah Rd & McLochan Rd, Pinewood |
14-024 |
Calvary Baptist #2 |
n33 44.204 , w80 24.515 |
F ? |
Calvary Church Rd & Law Rd, Pinewood |
14-025 |
Cantey Family |
n33 32.502 , w80 05.290 |
14-B01-P485 |
700 ft s of Kenwood Rd, e of Henry Rd, Greeleyville |
14-026 |
Carolina Cemetery |
33.58271, -80.23334 |
F |
aka Carolins Johnson
Manning |
14-027 |
Cedar Grove Plantation |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P588 |
near Santee Reservoir, Lake Marion |
14-507 | Cedar Lane Memorials | 33.68855, -80.01266 | A | M | F | aka Montgomery | ||||
14-028 |
Chapel AME Methodist (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B02-P017 |
Manning |
14-029 |
Church of God by Faith |
n33 36.220 , w80 15.800 |
F |
Loss Brook Rd, n of Moses Dingle Rd, Manning |
14-030 |
Clarendon Memorial Gardens |
n33 41.180 , w80 11.690 |
F |
14-B01-P315 |
Bloomville Rd, s of High Hills Ln, Manning |
14-587 | Clark-Gibson Family | 33.69122, -80.35376 | A | M | F | Paxville | ||||
14-031 |
Cobia-Ward Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P564 |
Summerton |
14-032 |
Cochran Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P419 |
14-508 |
Code Family #1 (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see |
14-509 |
Code Family #2 (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see |
14-033 |
Coker Family |
n33 49.270 , w79 57.220 |
F |
14-B01-P093 |
1500 ft w of Burnt Branch Rd, 900 ft s of Salem Rd |
14-034 |
Coker Family, W.L. |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P008 |
Turbeville |
14-089 |
Cokley Family (N) |
33.833739 , -80.163978 |
aka Coakley ?
GPS=WC, Warren (1855-1914) & Rena Johnson-Colclough (1866-1898) , S of Goward Rd S-14-592, W of State S-14-50,in Alcolu |
14-510 | Colcolough (N) | can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
10m e of Summerton in front of Santee AME Methodist |
14-511 | Colclough Plantation, J.A. | can't locate cemetery | 102 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-036 |
Connors Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P567 |
14-512 | Conyers Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F | Paxville | ||||||
14-037 |
Cooper Family, George |
n33 51.790 , w80 07.670 |
F |
.5 miles w of Black River Rd, .5 miles n of I-95, Gable |
14-038 |
Crossroads Baptist |
n33 42.733 , w80 14.367 |
4th location, Crossroads Church Rd, n of SR 261, Manning |
14-039 |
Crossroads Bible Fellowship |
33.71697, -80.28345 |
F |
Manning |
14-040 |
Cuddoe Plantation Slaves (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P588 |
14-041 |
Cypress Fork AME Methodist (N) |
n33 44.867 , w80 04.483 |
F |
14-B02-P019 |
Brewington Rd & June Burn Rd, Alcolu |
14-513 | Cypress Fork Missionary Baptist | 33.74233, -80.07028 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-042 |
Davis Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P386 |
Davis Station |
14-514 | Davis Plantation, M.M. | can't locate cemetery | 124 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-043 |
Deep Creek Pentacostal Holiness |
n33 36.480 , w80 08.780 |
F |
14-B01-P485 |
Bloomville Rd, s of Saw Mill Rd, Manning |
14-515 | Delain Chapel | 33.74145, -80.26942 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-044 |
Dingle Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P480 |
14-516 | Dubose Plantation, D. | can't locate cemetery | 210 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-517 | Duffy Family | 33.55427, -80.13211 | A | M | F |
aka Ridgeway-Tucker Manning |
14-518 | Dukes Plantation, William C. | can't locate cemetery | 97 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-045 |
Durant-New Harmony |
n33 49.370 , w80 06.700 |
F |
14-B01-P181 |
500 ft e of Brewington Rd, n of I-95, Gable |
14-519 | Durant Plantation, A.A. | can't locate cemetery | 181 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-046 |
Dyson Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P358 |
Manning |
14-520 | Ebenezer | 33.85390, -80.05970 | A | M | F | |||||
14-047 |
Elizabeth Baptist |
n33 39.600 , w80 15.883 |
F |
14-B02-P031 |
US 301, n of Hamilton Rd, Manning |
14-048 |
Evergreen |
n33 36.483 , w80 21.283 |
F |
14-B01-P496 |
s of Main St, e of Hill St, Summerton |
14-049 |
Fair Haven Church |
n33 42.717 , w80 09.867 |
F |
June Burn Rd, 1.8 miles e of US 301, Manning |
14-050 |
Fellowship Missionary Baptist |
n33 39.983 , w80 14.283 |
F |
14-B01-P362 |
aka Bradham
Raccoon Rd, n of Lakewood Rd, Manning |
14-051 |
Foreston |
n33 37.646 , w80 04.250 |
F |
14-B01-P208 |
Liberty Church Rd, e of Fire Tower Rd, Manning |
14-521 | Fourth Crossroad Baptist | 33.71205, -80.23949 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-522 | Francis Family | 33.81944, -80.18693 | A | M | F | Alcolu | ||||
14-523 | Freewill Goodwill Baptist | 33.65337, -80.19478 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-052 |
Friendship AME Methodist (N) |
n33 40.317 , w80 21.750 |
F |
14-B02-P035 |
Furse Rd, e of Frank Rhames Rd, Pinewood |
14-053 |
Friendship Presbyterian |
n33 45.650 , w80 01.867 |
F |
aka Loadabar AME Methodist (N)
Fire Tower Rd & SR 527, New Zion |
14-054 |
Frierson Plantation #1 |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P589 |
14-524 |
Frierson Plantation #2 (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
14-055 |
Geddings Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P587 |
14-056 |
Gethsemane Family #1 |
n33 36.492 , w80 14.006 |
F |
14-B01-P481 |
200 ft e of Bumps Rd, .3 miles n of Moses Dingle Rd, Manning |
14-525 | Gethsemane Family #2 | 33.60820, -80.23351 | A | M | F | Jorden | ||||
14-057 |
Gibbons Family |
n33 51.427 , w80 01.506 |
F |
14-B01-P099 |
Gibbons Cemetery & Puddin Swamp Rd, Turbeville |
14-058 |
Gooch Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-400, Summerton |
14-059 |
Goodwill Freewill Baptist |
n33 39.200 , w80 11.717 |
Goodwill Church Rd, w of Jerro Rd, Manning |
14-526 |
Goshen Plantation #1 (Slaves) (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
14-527 |
Goshen Plantation #2 (Slaves) (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
14-060 |
Grace Christian Fellowship |
n33 41.650 , w80 14.630 |
F |
Raccoon Rd, n of US 301, Manning |
14-061 |
Grace Missionary Baptist |
n33 43.135 , w80 18.417 |
J. W Rhames Rd, s of SR 261, Manning |
14-528 | Greateer Saint Phillips Reformed Methodist Union Episcopal | 33.59824, -80.44337 | A | M | F | Rimini | ||||
14-062 |
Green Hill Baptist |
n33 45.183 , w80 12.467 |
F |
Green Hill Church Rd, e of Hotel St, Alcolu |
14-529 | Gum Springs Baptist | 33.69128, -80.35202 | A | M | F | Pinewood | ||||
14-530 | Halleytown Memorial | 33.65785, -80.26278 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-063 |
Harmony Church |
n33 46.799 , w80 08.480 |
F |
14-B01-P178 |
Tennessee St & Violet St, Alcolu |
14-064 |
Harvin-Hodge Family |
33.77037, -80.24483 |
F |
14-B01-P366 |
Alcolu |
14-531 | Haynsworth-Nelson-Plowden Family | 33.72200, -80.05200 | A | M | F | |||||
14-065 |
Hickory Grove Freewill Baptist |
n33 52.800 , w80 01.033 |
F |
14-B02-P047 |
Hickory Hill Rd, s of Pope St, Turbeville |
14-066 |
Hodge Family #1 |
n33 47.217 , w80 06.017 |
F |
14-B01-P188 |
.4 miles e of 8731 N.Brewington Rd, dirt rd, Alcolu |
14-532 | Hodge Family #2 | 33.62492, -80.08824 | A | M | F | 1198 Pratt Ave. Manning | ||||
14-067 |
Holladay Family |
n33 40.578 , w80 13.530 |
F |
14-B01-P357 |
100 ft s of Holliday Dr, w of Pickwood Dr, Manning |
14-068 |
Home Branch Baptist |
n33 44.650 , w80 19.033 |
F |
14-B01-P387 |
Home Branch Rd, s of Brown Rd, Manning |
14-533 | Hopkins Family | 33.59228, -80.28088 | A | M | F | Davis Station | ||||
14-069 |
Horse Branch Free Will Baptist |
n33 53.467 , w79 59.967 |
F |
14-B01-P049 |
Horse Branch Rd, n of US 378, Turbeville |
14-070 |
Horton-Savage Family |
n33 34.670 , w80 16.210 |
F |
14-B01-P479 |
2000 ft s of Cambridge Rd, .5 miles e of Bill Davis Rd/a Unk #4 |
14-071 |
Howard Chapel AME Methodist (N) |
n33 48.450 , w80 01.550 |
F |
Hickory Hill Rd, s of Knowlton Rd, New Zion |
14-534 | James Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F | Rimini | ||||||
14-073 |
Jayroe Family |
n33 42.658 , w80 14.522 |
F |
14-B01-P367 |
500 ft w of Crossroads Church Rd, .6 miles n of SR 261 |
14-535 |
Jerusalem Church (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
on Santee River Rd, 12m s of Manning & 14m se of Summerton |
14-074 |
Jordan UMC Methodist |
n33 36.050 , w80 12.333 |
F |
14-B01-P470 |
Jordan Church Rd, e of SR 260, Manning |
14-075 |
June Family, Nancy |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-Addendum |
14-536 | Juneburn-Thompson Family | 33.71249, -80.16810 | A | M | F | |||||
14-076 |
Junk Yard Cemetery |
n33 37.710 , w80 05.210 |
F |
Junkyard Cemetery Rd, n of Liberty Church Rd, Manning |
14-537 | King-Robinson-Smith Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F | Rimini | ||||||
14-538 | Lakeside Outrearch | 33.54598, -80.42207 | A | M | F | Summerton | ||||
14-077 |
Laurel Hill Baptist |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B02-P055 |
14-539 |
Lawson-Nelson |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
1.5m s of St Paul, 26m se of Sumter |
14-540 | Lees Family | 33.71280, -80.14220 | A | M | F | |||||
14-078 |
Lesesne Family #1 |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P493 |
Old Santee Rd 48 on Tarkin Branch |
14-541 | Lesesne Family #2 |
can't locate cemetery |
F | Manning | ||||||
14-079 |
Liberty Hill AME Methodist #1 (N) |
n33 35.467 , w80 23.367 |
F |
14-B02-P059 |
Liberty Hill Rd, s of Old River Rd, Summerton |
14-080 |
Liberty Hill AME Methodist #2 (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B02-P077 |
14-081 |
Liberty Hill Free Will Baptist |
n33 37.650 , w80 07.800 |
F |
14-B01-P444 |
Liberty Church Rd & Baggett Rd, Manning |
14-082 |
Little Star Pentacostal Holiness |
n33 43.000 , w80 08.033 |
F |
14-B01-P359 |
June Burn Rd &Little Star Rd, Alcolu |
14-083 |
Live Oak UMC Methodist |
n33 41.220 , w80 03.435 |
F |
14-B01-P192 |
SR 261 & Brewington Rd, Manning |
14-084 |
Loadagal AME Methodist (N) |
n33 45.247 , w80 01.543 |
F |
SR 527, s of June Burn Rd, New Zion |
14-085 |
Lowry Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P131 |
14-542 | Macedonia Fire Baptized | 33.67778, -80.35203 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-543 | Mack Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F | Manning | ||||||
14-086 |
Manning, City of |
n33 42.167 , w80 12.350 |
F |
14-B01-P219 |
Cemetery St & Cedar St, Manning |
14-544 | Manning Church of Christ |
can't locate cemetery |
F | |||||||
14-087 |
McFaddin Presbyterian |
n33 49.370 , w80 06.700 |
F |
14-B01-P162 |
end of Leon McFaddin Rd, Gable |
14-545 | McFassin Plantation, Hugh | can't locate cemetery | 149 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-088 |
McKenzies Tabernacle Pentecostal Holiness |
n33 49.278 , w79 57.866 |
F |
McIntosh Rd, s of Salem Rd, New Zion |
14-089 |
Melina Persbyterian |
n33 50.367 , w80 05.733 |
F |
14-B02-P103 |
SR 527, n of US 301 Gable |
14-090 |
Midway Presbyterian |
n33 45.999 , w80 02.180 |
F |
14-B01-P132 |
SR 527, s of June Burn Rd, New Zion |
14-091 |
Mitchum Family |
n33 34.478 , w80 10.984 |
F |
14-B01-P483 |
GPS=P.Sorrell, 2000' w of Mitchum & Syrup Mill Rds, Manning |
14-092 |
Mount Chapel Baptist |
n33 37.550 , w80 12.950 |
F |
14-B02-P115 |
SR 260, s of Raccoon RD, Manning |
14-093 |
Mount Hope Fire Baptized Holiness |
n33 40.150 , w80 24.967 |
F |
14-B01-P149 |
Eagerton Rd & Wallace Rd, Pinewood |
14-094 |
Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist |
n33 48.500 , w80 11.400 |
F |
Plowden Mill Rd, n of Teacoat Rd, Alcolu |
14-095 |
Mount Pleasant UME Methodist |
n33 39.367 , w80 25.117 |
F |
14-B02-P119 |
Coard Rd, w Cane Savanna Rd, Pinewood |
14-096 |
Mount Zero Missionary Baptist |
n33 43.600 , w80 19.283 |
F |
14-B02-P127 |
SR 261, e of Porter Rd, Manning |
14-097 |
Mount Zion AME Methodist (N) |
n33 32.067 , w80 14.717 |
F |
14-B02-P142 |
M W Rickenbaker Rd & Lake Marion shores Rd, Summerton |
14-098 |
Muldrew Cemerery |
n33 41.304 , w80 07.001 |
F |
1400 ft n of SR 261, 500 ft w of Meagan Ln, Manning |
14-546 |
Nelson Family, Lawson (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
2m s of Zion Church, 16m s of Manning, 12m se of Summerton |
14-547 | Nelson Plantation, S.W. | can't locate cemetery | 132 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-099 |
Nelson-Plowden-Haynsworth |
n33 43.321 , w80 03.118 |
F |
14-B01-P190 |
200 ft e of N. Brewington Rd, 2.5 miles n of SR 261, Manning |
14-548 | New Bethel Holiness | 33.57092, -80.33882 | A | M | F |
aka New Bethany & New Hope
Pentecostal Summerton |
14-549 | New Covenant Pentecostal Holiness | 33.90995, -79.97060 | A | M | F | Turbeville | ||||
14-100 |
New Hope AME Methodist (N) |
n33 42.717 , w80 25.117 |
F |
Cane-Savannah Rd & Corbett Rd, Pinewood |
14-101 |
New Hope Christian |
n33 49.450 , w79 57.967 |
F |
14-B01-P094 |
aka Old Mother Church
Salem Rd, w of McIntosh Rd, New Zion |
14-102 |
New Light Missionary Baptist |
n33 36.052 , w80 16.567 |
F |
Moses Dingle Rd & Jessica St, Summerton |
14-460 | New Saint Paul Holy Commandment |
can't locate cemetery |
F | Summerton | ||||||
14-461 | New Start Church of the Nazarene | 33.71989, -80.30489 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-103 |
New Town Free Will Baptist |
n33 53.083 , w79 55.033 |
F |
14-B01-P067 |
New Town Rd, s of US 378, Lake City |
14-104 |
New Zion UMC Methodist |
n33 50.667 , w80 01.283 |
F |
14-B01-P109 |
Salem Rd, e of Hickory Hill Rd, New Zion |
14-105 |
Oak Grove UMC Methodist |
n33 39.983 , w80 11.500 |
F |
14-B01-P323 |
Bloomville Rd, s of Oak Grove Rd, Manning |
14-106 |
Oaks AME Methodist (N) |
n33 31.267 , w80 23.967 |
F |
Oaks Rd, w of Liberty Hill Rd, Summerton |
14-107 |
Olive Grove Church |
n33 54.617 , w80 02.917 |
F |
14-B01-P002 |
Olive Grove Rd, n of Shiloh Rd, Turbeville |
14-462 | Open Fountain | 33.67100, -80.36385 | A | M | F | |||||
14-463 |
Owens #1 (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
on Owens Plantation, 20m sw of Manning, 5m se of St. Paul |
14-564 |
Owens #2 (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
on Owens Plantation, 20m sw of Manning, 5m se of St. Paul |
14-108 |
Paxville (Baptist?) |
n33 44.240 , w80 20.230 |
14-B01-P420 |
Rd 14-522, n of SR 261, Paxville |
14-109 |
Paxville Baptist |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P440 |
14-110 |
Pine Grove AME Methodist (N) |
n33 32.733 , w80 04.850 |
F |
Kenwood Rd, e of Henry Rd, Manning |
14-111 |
Pine Grove UMC Methodist |
n33 53.660 , w80 00.920 |
F |
14-B01-P009 |
US 301 & Dials Bay Rd, Turbeville |
14-112 |
Pinedale Pentecostal Holiness |
n33 53.310 , w79 57.660 |
F |
US 378, e of Dubose Rd, Lake City |
14-113 |
Pisgah Pentacostal Holiness |
n33 40.683 , w80 24.367 |
F |
14-B01-P565 |
aka Elliott
Cane Savannah , n of Elliot Rd, Pinewood |
14-565 | Prayer House Mission | 33.56835, -80.33992 | A | M | F | Summerton | ||||
14-566 | Price-Snyder Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F | Manning | ||||||
14-114 |
Providence AME Methodist (N) |
n33 39.783 , w80 09.517 |
F |
Mallet Rd, n of Mahon Rd, Manning |
14-567 | Providence Christian | 33.67095, -80.16218 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-568 | Ragin Plantation, John J. | can't locate cemetery | 246 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-115 |
Rawlinson Family |
n33 38.993 , w80 15.239 |
F |
14-B01-P563 |
GPS=N.McLeod, 3000' n of George Havin Rd, w of Ram Bay Rd, Manning |
14-116 |
Reeseville AME Methodist (N) |
w33 46.683 , w80 14.333 |
F |
14-B02-P165 |
US 521, n of Alcolu St, Alcolu |
14-117 |
Rehoboth Cemetery |
n33 32.283 , w80 08.850 |
F |
14-B01-P487 |
Kenwood Rd, w of Watson Ardis Rd, Manning |
14-118 |
Richardson Family, Richard (General)
Slaves (N) |
n33 38.233 , w80 29.467
F |
14-B01-P581 |
aka Big Home Plantation
800 ft w of Old River Rd, s of Rock Hill Rd, Pinewood, Rimini Slave graves are located on the north side of above cemetery. |
14-569 | Richardson Plantation, John P. | can't locate cemetery | 194 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-570 | Richardson Plantation, W.H.N. | can't locate cemetery | 163 Slaves in 1860, Existing Family & Slave cemetery(?) | |||||||
14-119 |
Richburgh Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P443 |
14-120 |
Ridgeway-Tucker Family |
can't locate cemetery |
near Raccoon Rd & Bloomville Rd,Manning |
14-121 |
Ridgill Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P586 |
14-122 |
Robinson Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P588 |
14-123 |
Rock Hill Baptist |
n33 45.517 , w80 16.700 |
F |
14-B02-P169 |
Old Georgetown Rd, s of Jackson Rd, Manning |
14-124 |
Harvin-Keel-Rodgers |
can't locate cemetery |
14-571 |
Sab (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
6m se of Summerton, 5m e of St Paul |
14-125 |
Saint James AME Methodist (N) |
n33 31.833 , w80 16.267 |
F |
14-B01-P090 |
Greenall Rd, e of Fox Hill Dr, Summerton |
14-126 |
Saint James Baptist |
n33 51.483 , w79 56.850 |
F |
14-B02-P183 |
Burnt Branch Rd & St. James Rd, Lake City |
14-127 |
Saint John Baptist #1 |
n33 37.981 , w80 08.795 |
Brewer Rd, e of Tobias Rd, Manning |
14-128 |
Saint John Baptist #2 |
n33 41.437 , w80 18.607 |
Saint John Church Rd, w of Silver Rd, Manning |
14-129 |
Saint Lukes |
14-B02-P187 |
14-130 |
Saint Mark AME Methodist (N) |
n33 44.617 , w80 09.027 |
F |
Alderman Camp Rd, e of Little Star Rd, Manning |
14-131 |
Saint Mark Missionary Baptist |
n33 40.350 , w80 22.467 |
F |
Frank Rhames Rd, w of Guess Rd, Pinewood |
14-132 |
Saint Matthews AME Methodist (N) |
n33 35.700 , w80 19.067 |
F |
14-B02-P193 |
Moses Dingle Rd, e of Olin Rd, Summerton |
14-572 | Saint Matthews Cemetery | 33.68096, -80.15506 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-133 |
Saint Matthews Church |
n33 40.450 , w80 08.533 |
US 521 & Forest Trail, Manning |
14-573 | Saint Paul Cemetery | 33.56690, -80.36110 | A | M | F | |||||
14-134 |
Saint Paul Holiness Church of The Apostles |
n33 34.917 , w80 23.637 |
F |
Liberty Hill Rd, n of Nelsons Ferry Rd, Summerton |
14-135 |
Saint Paul Methodist Episcopal |
n33 34.033 , w80 21.650 |
14-B01-P554 |
Bill Davis Rd, w of MG Hemingway Rd, Summerton |
14-136 |
Saint Phillips RMUE |
n33 35.900 , w80 26.600 |
Old River Rd, w of Lillie Martin Rd, Pinewood |
14-137 |
Saint Phillips UME Methodist |
n33 36.533 , w80 27.050 |
F |
St Phillip UME Church Rd, n of Old River Rd, Pinewood |
14-138 |
Salem Baptist |
n33 51.250 , w80 03.567 |
F |
14-B01-P173 |
aka Gamble
Salem Rd, .5 miles w of US 301, New Zion (USGS Ebenezer) |
14-139 |
Santee AME Methodist (N) |
n33 29.633 , w80 23.033 |
F |
Goodwill Santee, Dingle Pond Rd, w of Francis Marion Rd, Summerton |
14-574 |
Santee AME Methodist (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
20m sw of Manning |
14-575 | Scarbough Family | 33.65916, -80.17922 | A | M | F | |||||
14-576 |
Scott Lake (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
on banks of Scott's Lake near Fort Watson |
14-140 |
Shaw Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-Addendum |
14-141 |
Shepherd UMC Methodist |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B02-P |
14-142 |
Skinner Family |
n33 45.060 , w80 20.890 |
F |
14-B01-P442 |
n of Fairfield Rd, 800 ft n of Brown Rd, Manning |
14-577 |
Society Hill (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
on river rd, 15m se of Greeleyville, 14m se of Summerton |
14-143 |
Society Hill AME Methodist (N) |
33.53454, -80.19131 |
F |
14-B02-P175 |
Manning |
14-145 |
Spring Hill AME Methodist (N) |
n33 33.867 , w80 18.122 |
F |
JR & FA Richburg Rd, 2000 ft s of Bill Davis Rd, Summerton |
14-146 |
Stukes Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
14-B01-P537 |
14-147 |
Summerton Baptist |
n33 36.472 , w80 20.562 |
F |
14-B01-P534 |
n of Main St, w of Windham St, Summerton |
14-148 |
Summerton Funeral Service |
n33 35.680 , w80 15.200 |
F |
aka Clark & House and Ivory
L H Pearson Rd, e of M W Rickenbaker Rd, Manning |
14-149 |
Taw Caw Baptist (N) |
n33 36.432 , w80 20.123 |
F |
14-B02-P201 |
s of US 301, w of Jack Touchberry Rd, Summerton |
14-578 | Taw Caw Slaves |
can't locate cemetery |
F | Summerton | ||||||
14-150 |
Thompson Family |
n33 42.783 , w80 08.517 |
14-B01-P360 |
aka Lee
200 ft s of June Burn Rd, 400 ft e of Juneburn Branch, Alcolu |
14-151 |
Tisdale Family |
n33 42.993 , w80 16.807 |
F |
14-B01-P356 |
aka Crossroads Bible
n of SR 261, e of Gibson Rd, Manning |
14-152 |
Trinity UMC Methodist |
n33 44.500 , w80 11.217 |
F |
14-B01-P368 |
Trinity Church Rd & US 301, Alcolu |
14-579 | True Word Missionary Baptist | 33.74498, -80.35675 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-153 |
Turbeville First Baptist |
n33 53.607 , w80 00.908 |
F |
Pope St & Morris St, Turbeville |
14-154 |
Turbeville First Baptist Memorial Garden |
n33 51.343 , w80 02.720 |
F |
US 301 s of Puddin Swamp Rd, Turbeville |
14-155 |
Turbeville UMC Methodist |
n33 53.660 , w80 00.920 |
14-B01-P040 |
Morgan St & US 301, Turbeville |
14-156 |
Turbeville Southern UMC Methodist |
n33 53.685 , w80 00.840 |
F |
Dials Bay Rd & US 301, south of Turbeville First Baptist Cemetery |
14-580 | Union Crossroads Baptist | 33.80103, -79.98628 | A | M | F | New Zion | ||||
14-157 |
Union Cypress AME Methodist (N) |
n33 35.600 , w80 12.317 |
F |
14-B02-P219 |
SR 260 & King Rd, Manning |
14-158 |
Union Hill Baptist |
n33 54.233 , w79 58.733 |
F |
Graham Rd & Horse Branch Rd, Turberville |
14-159 |
Union UMC Methodist |
n33 39.817 , w80 07.100 |
F |
14-B01-P447 |
Nesbit Rd & Hartley Dr, Manning |
14-160 |
Unknown Name #02 |
n33 33.612 , w80 23.280 |
500 ft w of Liberty Hill Rd, .5 miles s of I-95, Summerton |
14-161 |
Unknown Name #03 |
n33 33.614 , w80 23.456 |
1400 ft w of Liberty Hill Rd, .5 miles s of I-95, Summerton |
14-162 |
Unknown Name #05 |
n33 36.035 , w80 06.955 |
800 ft s of Brewer Rd, 1000 ft e of Cane Savannah Rd, Manning |
14-163 |
Unknown Name #09 |
n33 41.580 , w80 26.260 |
50 ft of McLachan Rd, .5 miles e of Elliot Rd, Pinewood |
14-164 |
Unknown Name #11 |
n33 42.070 , w80 16.360 |
50 ft e of Fawn Ridge Ln & Pioneer Rd, Manning |
14-165 |
Unknown Name #13 |
n33 43.120 , w79 59.690 |
1000 ft w of Evans Rd, 3000 ft s of Corner Rd, New Zion |
14-166 |
Unknown Name #18 |
n33 52.920 , w80 05.410 |
100 ft s of Raccoon Rd, .6 miles e of I-95, Gable |
14-167 |
Unknown Name #20 |
n33 35.520 , w80 16.860 |
50 ft e of Ferris St, 1800 ft n of Bill Davis Rd, Summerton Hopkins ?? |
14-168 |
Unknown Name #22 |
n33 42.930 , w80 27.340 |
Bacon Hill Rd & Hampton St, Pinewood |
14-169 |
Unknown Name #23 |
n33 48.900 , w80 08.500 |
300 ft e of Brewiington Rd, 1000 ft s of I-95, Gable |
14-170 |
Unknown Name #28 |
n33 51.850 , w80 04.517 |
aka Historical Ebenezer Church ? |
14-581 | Ward Family |
can't locate cemetery |
F | Davis Station | ||||||
14-172 |
Welch Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-P061 |
14-173 |
Wells Family |
n33 50.007 , w80 11.495 |
F |
Plowden Mill Rd,200 ft n of Lizzie Rd, Alcolu |
14-174 |
Westminster Presbyterian |
can't locate cemetery |
F |
Alcolu/Gable |
14-582 | Whack Family | 33.68864, -80.05060 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-175 |
Wheeler Family #1 |
33.88217, -80.09018 |
F |
14-B01-P176 |
Turbeville |
14-583 | Wheeler Family #2 | 33.69270, -80.08721 | A | M | F | Manning | ||||
14-176 |
White Family |
can't locate cemetery |
14-B01-Addndm |
w of Bloomville Rd, s of Saw Mill Rd,Manning |
14-584 | William Chapel Christian | 33.67415, -80.14286 | A | M | F |
aka Saint Matthews Manning |
14-585 |
Wyboo / Wiboo (N) |
can't locate cemetery |
original location now under Lake Moultrie see
13m s of Manning, 15m sw of Greeleyville
14-590 |